• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Your first sentence is somewhat correct, I’d argue that dealing with any kind of absolute like you have done is incredibly dumb though. Of course being outspoken can get you bullied. It may be less likely in a university/college setting, but it’s definitely gonna happen. And your second second sentence is so wrong it’s almost comical. Bullying at a tertiary education level is so common that I guarantee there’s a bunch of studies done on it and probably a wiki page for it too.

    Edit: lol, yep, shit loads of studies (and there’s plenty more to be found than just these few), and the wiki exists.

  • They don’t. Go and reread what I wrote, then come back here and quote the part of my comment where I said that.

    And I again refer you back to what I previously wrote, your priorities change as you age. Mine did. I’m far more likely to have sex with a partner who’s company I enjoy than someone who’s company I don’t enjoy. That aside, I didn’t say you’re gonna just start solely having sex with only people you have good company with. I didn’t even say that you’d stop trying to have sex with people you were physically attracted to. I said your standards will change. Which insinuated that maybe you might not have slept with someone when you were 18yo cos they didn’t meet your criteria of being attractive back then, but you might now cos your standards have changed.

  • StorminNorman@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    9 months ago

    You’re still gonna be attracted to 20yos physically. There’s over 100k years of evolution that wants you to mate with the fittest, most attractive mate that you can. But is that a person you actually want to spend time with outside of the bedroom? So, yeah, your standards in regards to physical attractiveness are gonna drop as you age, but your other standards will likely change too.

  • Love my G-Shock. Use it as my everyday beater at work etc. It’s knocked about to all hell, but it doesn’t look bad in anyway (a bonus of the casing being a polymer rather than metal). My only annoyance is that I love in Australia and we don’t get the time synch radio signals down here. So mines out a little bit (it’s only out by less than 3mins, and it’s fast rather than slow, so I don’t mind). Which is why I went with the Casio Oceanus for my more “fancy” watch. Yeah, it is sorta technically a smart watch, but it literally only has two smart functions. One, it can sync with my phone to adjust the time. And two, it can make my phone make noise if I hold down the button if I’ve lost my phone. Now, haven’t actually figured out how to do that second one yet (I’m no idiot, so I’ve asked various friends to attempt to use it too, they can’t either), but I don’t need that feature, so I couldn’t care less (I didn’t even know it was a feature til I had the device in my hands and was reading the manual). But yeah, as far as smartwatches go, it’s dumb as fuck. Which ain’t bad thing, I ain’t giving it any data to send to a server lord knows where…

  • StorminNorman@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2875: 2024
    9 months ago

    I’ve always said that ours (and yours, cos whilst our two nations comedy is different, there’s a shit load of overlap) is too subtle for text communication!

    And yeah, fucking yanks online… I’ve had a few drinks and a little bit of weed, so excuse this rant, but yanks online are fucked. I’ve met plenty in Australia and on my travels (including when I travelled the US) in person. 99% of them were lovely and I could chat with them and have a beer. But online? They are fucked for the most part. And I know that’s a generalisation, and most of the online Americans are great, but those who aren’t? They are so bad that they ruin my opinion of the good ones so badly I don’t even remember the good interactions.

  • StorminNorman@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2875: 2024
    9 months ago

    Heh, my ancestors were english people who migrated in the last 80yrs, I’m closer to being one of you than I am a convict. And since when has anything our two countries has done not been a competition? Your angry reply kinda reinforces how tightly you poms all have those sticks up your arses though since you can’t recognise an obvious joke.