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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • True, however, the concentration of wealth has meant that desirable areas are far more out of reach for the middle class than they were in the 1950s when unionization was at an all-time high and the difference between a highly-educated professional vs a skilled tradesman was more a matter of what kind of car they drove and how big their house was rather than what we see now which is working people being priced out of entire markets.

    I got lucky because my wife and I bought our house when the neighborhood we’re in was still seen as the ghetto. We bought it because it was the only thing we could afford and it was relatively close to my wife’s parents, but since then the neighborhood has rapidly gentrified and our property value has gone way up.

    This wouldn’t be an issue in a country wherein wealth is not so egregiously concentrated at the top.

  • Also the parties realign during this period with conservative southern Democrats going to the Republican party and fully embracing the idea that government is the enemy rather than a potential force for good in people’s lives. The subtext being that if you’re poor, it’s your fault and rich white men should be left alone to run big businesses however they want.

  • The mistake here is in assuming that it’s either all or nothing; that self checkouts are either great, or some kind of disaster.

    The reality is that they’re great for some applications, but suck ass for others.

    Here’s the deal; if it’s just me with a few items, yeah, the self-checkout is awesome, but if it’s me and my wife and we have a shitload of groceries for the entire family, guess what? Self-checkout sucks ass and it’s way easier to go through a regular checkout stand where there won’t be a hundred little different ways for the system to get jammed up and require an employee intervention.

    What part about this do people not understand?

    I have to think that a lot of the hostility to regular checkout stands comes from relatively young Lemmy users who don’t actually have to shop for families of their own.

  • Sure, it works great if you’re a single person who doesn’t have all that much to buy, but here’s the thing; if you’re shopping for a family or a multi person household or whatever, and you have to buy a lot of things at once, your self checkouts just plain suck ass because pretty much no matter what you do, you’ll get dinged with an error message every ten or 12 items and have to wait for the overworked and underpaid attendant to come free you up so you can keep going until the next inevitable fuckup.

    Self checkout is fine if you have something like 15 or less items, but anything more than that and it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

  • “Need” probably isn’t the best word. It’s not a “need” so much as it is a belief. They “believe” themselves to be better and more deserving. Everything else follows from that. Start plugging it into what you know about conservatives and you will immediately see that it’s by far the best and simplest explanation.

    Also bear in mind that people are often, and in fact quite usually, unaware of why they hold certain opinions and far from using reason to arrive at their opinions, tend to arrive at an opinion and then use reason to rationalize why it’s correct.

    The SCOTUS is a great example; we already know how the justices will rule because we already know their underlying opinions about the world. What we don’t know is how they will justify their rulings. If this weren’t true, then neither party would care about SCOTUS nominations. The fact that we care very much tells you that we all privately know that I am right.

    You and I do it too. We all do. Some of us are more aware of it than others.