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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Instead of Steam forcing any disputes with them to go through an “impartial” 3rd party company they choose and pay for to oversee and rule on disputes, they are saying that disputes must go through the courts.

    Basically forced arbitration has always been seen as anti-consumer and unfair because the company is paying for the arbitration and is thus considered more likely to be found in favor of. Steam is doing the opposite and as such this is seen as pro-consumer and a good thing

  • I’m really glad to see this. My husband and I game together a lot so we will still buy individual copies of a lot of games. Theres some games though that I’d like to try but never will because I won’t buy them, and his library is basically never available when I want it to be. Happy that we can now share some of those really weird one off games!

  • Honestly, being an adult is pretty similar to being a kid, except you have more freedom. I still have to spend 8 hours a day doing something I don’t particularly love, except on weekends where I get 2 days of free time. I have to take the results of what I’ve done all day and turn them in to other people (homework = bills), but there’s a little leftover for fun time/stuff.

    Here’s the big difference, and why nobody can ever convince me that childhood is superior to adulthood - if I decide to make bad choices and have ice cream for dinner, or stay up until 2am on a weeknight, nobody is going to say shit.

    The freedom of adulthood that allows ME to decide if I want to make a choice I know will hurt me later is the best part. IDGAF what anyone says, sometimes I want pancakes and ice cream for dinner.

  • My husband and I don’t watch TV together a lot, but Sunday nights are the one night a week we set aside for it. I often find myself looking forward to Sunday evenings when we get to catch up on our favorite shows and hang out. It’s also typically the only night of the week I eat ice cream, so it’s an extra treat.

    I’m usually busy enjoying my Sunday evenings and don’t even think about the fact that the weekend is ending.

  • Absolutely this. There IS a scenario in which I would love a “smart” or “AI” fridge, but it’s gotta be damn impressive to even be worth my time.

    It needs to know everything in my fridge, how long it’s been there and it’s expiration date, and I want it to build grocery lists for me based on what is low, and let me know ahead of time that I should use something up that’s going bad soon. Bonus points if it recommends some options for how to do that based on my tastes. And I want to do this without having to manually input or remove everything.

    But we’re still SO far from being able to do this reliably, let alone at any kind of acceptable price point, and yet fridge makers keep shoving out dumb fridges with a screen on them and calling them “smart”. I hate it.

  • Honestly, I kinda hate the big tree in our front yard. It has these tiny leaves and every fall we have to clean the roof and gutters repeatedly until it finally drops everything, because those stupid leaves stick to everything and clog not just the gutters but the downpipes. This tree has caused our basement to flood during fall because one storm can simultaneously blow off a ton of leaves, instantly clogging the gutter, and then pour rain down the front of the house. We spent hundreds of dollars last year on a new gutter solution for 6ft of gutter. You read that right. Six feet of gutter cost us about $450, and they STILL wouldn’t guarantee it would fix the problem because of the stupid tree.

    We keep the tree trimmed and healthy, but every time the trimmers come out I dream about telling him to cut the stupid thing down. Awnings would be easier -_-