17 days agoQuite the opposite. My two main hobbies are tabletop roleplaying and spending time in nature and both of those have an experience space that can’t be explored fully in one lifetime.
I’m often even confused when people seem to think they need to travel far to gain new experiences and I haven’t even fully explored the nature just outside of my apartment.
I have mainly played DnD 5e, Mouse Guard and some amount of one-shot systems but my first ttrpg was somewhat surprisingly Dungeon World. I also love to run long campaigns based on published adventures or random tables, having something to bounce ideas against is must for my game mastering style.
After I get one of my DnD 5e campaigns to conclude I will pick something from the following list:
One-Shots that I want to visit again:
Shorter Campaigns (~10 sessions) I wish to run: