This guy wouldn’t use an S to pluralize “e-mail”. The UK school system didn’t leave children behind.
This guy wouldn’t use an S to pluralize “e-mail”. The UK school system didn’t leave children behind.
But … It’s an increase, right?
Are we okay with incremental improvements, or will only big bang headline news story type improvements be okay?
This piece has no real point. No hidden info, no resolution, no exposé, no call-to-arms really.
It’s just “there are way too many apps”, which we already knew.
What a weak article.
I wish for a browser addon to just block those app download requests when it smells them. The answer’s only gonna be no for all that, dawg.~
I only have the Starbucks app so my fancy Sunday coffee is done right and they don’t call me Corey Sangeetha or Coarse Kangaroo.
Clarify the app is required by the company (hr) for your job duties as mentioned when it was stated every employee’s responsibility to ensure the work site is open via a phone app. They’ll be happy to confirm that.
Go see your master agreement about tools supplied by company. That will be in even passable contracts because it’s usually an audit issue.
Ask company for tool as per contract. “This device here is not a work device and is neither secured nor managed by I.T.” was what we said.
Ask your shop steward to ask the union to explain to the company that their HR is demanding the use of tools the company will not then provide, which is a concern under section 17p5b.1 “proper tools and training as provided during workday for onsite work required by employees”
If they’re dicks you can try to hit them up for training on how to use the phone.
Teams is why we all have fancy pixel7 company-issued phones. TEAMS. And, since only one guy is on standby after-hours, the rest of them are shut off at 4:49 pm. So lame.
yes. I’m not an idiot, thank you for the implication otherwise though.
I don’t get it. It’s like every point you appear to be making about Doctorov’s association with his wife’s employer is rendered invalid but you keep restating the seemingly-identical position.
One more time, maybe? “Ha ha, just pointing out whom his wife is for no bearing on the value of his opinions but you know where his wife works, right?” is a weird point to NOT be making about his credibility.
He still makes good points, but the position he’s doing it from should be known is all.
I’ll remember that whenever George Conway or his wife talk about politics: apparently their diametrically-opposed views are somehow intertwined.
It’s not the healthcare that bothered me most, although it did.
It’s the cognitive dissonance around the unavailability of healthcare in order to avoid anxiety over the fact that a traffic accident can bankrupt you with no relief. Ignoring the risk takes some serious mental gymnastics and basic math failure to get there, but when brought up in this environment - where a TV show about a teacher who has to cook and sell meth to get hospital money is actually a plausible plot where no one actually examines the mercenary care at all and the main character just pays it - it’s just a part of their existence.
Not understanding that few other people live like this - cubans don’t live like this - is absurd.
User fees invoke a chilling effect on care usage, especially preventative care.
And when you’re seen as a cash cow and as a patient, there can be a conflict of interest.
My auntie had 4 major surgeries to overcome a situation she found herself in. It was serious ICU and ER stuff.
She’s been there a month now, recuperating, and once she’s fully tapered off the morphine she can go home with a visiting nurse.
Only expenses so far are vending machines when she wants some Peak Freens.
Canadian ex-infantry checking in with an exception to that assertion.
Both my work boots come off regardless.
No one asked, but now I need to know: when would you only take ONE work boot off?
But the Republic and Northern island need to fly those flags so you know where you are and whether it’s been taken over.
Okay, maybe not, but when I was in America for a few years we decided the ridiculous fixation was so people knew that they hadn’t been taken over … again.
Their internal struggles seem to be (checks notes) their own fucking business and not part of a decision as to whether it’s cool for another country’s hateful manipulation for 80 years and the wars that follow from rebelling against the boot-heel.
Sorry; maybe try again and think of some other cases?
Tangential, agenda-ridden, off-topic.
Only a sith deals in absolutes.
Oh, OP is way beyond ‘native speaker’; and really impressive.
Remember, today’s average writer pluralizes ‘e-mail’ with an s - probably with an apostrophe - and also uses ‘the ask’ and ‘the spend’, for example. This is so much better.
“Twenty or thirty years ago, police did not hack
Can confirm this is totally untrue. None of my in-laws would say either way, but for sure they wouldn’t NOT say either way, if that makes sense.
Are you me?