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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • In skincare discussions what you experienced is called “pilling” and it’s the result of putting on a lotion or skin product too soon after another one that was applied too thickly or didn’t have time to absorb fully. The balls are dead skin and the dried lotion or sunscreen that has gotten gummy and stuck to itself like eraser bits. Apply your sunscreen a little bit thinner and rub it in well and it shouldn’t continue to happen.

  • The interview is a vibe check first and foremost. If you vibe with the team we will overlook other things in your application. If you made it to interview, we already think you’re good enough so don’t stress trying to impress or apologize.

    Managers are mostly people who get tired of watching other people do things badly and decide to try to do better. You don’t need a special degree or any magic to be a good manager, you should like people though.

    Everyone is faking it to some degree.

  • Not at the time this happened. Aaron’s case was one of the motivating factors that led to the Open Access publication movement gaining enough traction that authors could publish that way. JSTOR access is paid for and administered on college campuses by libraries and librarians as a whole field felt terrible both about the paid publication system and the way Aaron was treated. As a community of professionals, the Librarian and Information Science community pushed very hard for the adoption of Open Access publishing into the Academic community.

  • Visiting my husband’s home town where this has happened and all his parent’s friends have moved into trailers because the houses where they raised their kids were bought for insane amounts but then they couldn’t afford a smaller house in the same town. Where we live now on the East Coast, we can no longer stay in our school district for less than half a million because doctors from larger urban areas keep buying the houses in our school district and we’re being forced 60+100 miles out from my hometown where we raised our young kids to even begin to afford housing.