Moving from

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • It’s definitely a “red line”, but I work in a field that requires me to think about things long-term. To me, the genocide shit is bad and I am 100% behind Bibi and his administration being tried and hung for their atrocities. However, I also know it can get a whole lot worse for Palestinians, and the world was a whole, if anyone but a Democrat wins in November.

    Sure, we keep sliding to the right. But at least with Harris in office, we stand a chance of reversing a further slide. Without, we are sure to continue the slide at an even faster rate.

    Look past the shortsightedness of those that seek to distract you and try to see the bigger picture. We can’t do anything about the shit going on now if we don’t have a future.

  • On a plus side, maybe, if you choose to delete your comments and posts again, albeit slowly, would be to copy/paste the really useful shit to Lemmy. I say this because one unintended (or not) consequence of these actions is that posts from years ago, explaining the solution to a problem that still pops up now and then, doesn’t have the solution most of the time.

    I don’t disagree with the sentiment or actions at all, it just sucks when you find someone having the same issue you are, only to learn it’s on reddit and the solution to said problem was deleted.