• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Hey friend, there’s no need to fear the possibilities. If you are the person named on the ticket you will be able to board. Tickets nowadays can be scanned a multitude of ways, most airlines I’ve flown with the same scanner can read QR codes, barcodes and whatever the SMS style code is called. This isn’t about reducing options for you, it’s about increasing them. If you feel more comfortable with a printed boarding pass then they will be happy for you to do that.

    But in answer to your question, there’s nothing special about the cardboard the passes get printed on, it’s just to make it less likely that you’ll lose it or throw it away accidentally. But even then, you can just present ID at the ticket gate, they’ll verify that you’re who you say you are and let you on. So what I’m saying is; give it a shot. You’ve got nothing to lose.

  • After police failed to talk him out of the booth, they set police dogs on him and swung batons at him from either side of the booth, leaving him with lacerations on his forehead and hand, as well as dog bites on his leg.

    How can you call that the “role of protector”? Who was being protected? I’ll concede that i’m sure it’s difficult to identify people who are having mental health episodes and those who deserve to be attacked by dogs—hang on, nobody deserves that. I’d imagine it’s much easier for a trained mental health professional to identify a situation that needs intervention, instead of people whose first instinct is to bludgeon. Imagine feeling scared and isolated, and the first responders response is to beat you. I’m sorry, I feel like I’m unfairly lashing out at you, but I’m struggling to grapple with the fact that you can read that article and go “I hope sufferers can understand that”.