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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • An old friend, back when I was 17/18 or so, told me about the last time she had a kitten.

    The kitten somehow got into the WASHER and her busy and absent-minded mother didn’t realize it until the kitten had already drowned. Her mother drove herself (and the kitten) to the police department because she felt so bad.

    After that I have always checked for cats. Even now, at almost 40 (I even check the oven)! My husband thinks it’s over-kill, but I’m never gonna get that horror story out of my head

  • I’m somewhat similar, but I’m also extremely easily distracted. I can’t hold multiple things in my mind for longer than two or three steps ahead. And then anything that comes along to break me out of it and I’m just done. It’s super frustrating, especially because I have the kind of mind that bounces different perspectives around all the time. It’s like I just want to reach out and grab a thought to think it through thouroughly before I get to the next but… nope

  • I like the game but I can’t deal with the nausea. Idk what it is about it, (I suspect it’s the rain) but within minutes I feel sick and need to go lay down. My husband has no issues with it. We’re probably about 30% through.

    I love the weirdness of the story. The voice acting is pretty good. The environment is immersive, and I’ll remember that cake scene forever. (But the boat controls suck, combat isn’t fun and doesn’t add anything to the game, and I’m not a fan of having to run to a point in order to fast travel)

    Just wish I could either watch or play it without wanting to throw up

  • Not neccessarily. I once knew a cat who would suckle on her paw-pad. Just one of them. It was so adorable. She was properly weaned when (boyfriend at the time) got her. (I was there, met the owner of the mother and other kittens). Only annoying thing is that sometimes her paw was wet when she stood on us

  • For me the line needs to be crossed. As soon as that happens, action can be taken. But guilty-by-association isn’t enough (and that’s how I see marching)

    If someone makes a legit threat (or commits a crime) against another person, then something should be done to address that (what that something is needs to be proportional and preferably reform-based)

    Like what’s happening to Trump and the Jan 6th crowd. The peeps involved are being handed sentences. Evidence against the baddies need to be properly collected so that they can be brought to justice in a civilized way.

    You need a visual on them for that to happen. Let them march, identify them, and keep track of their behaviour. They’re fine… until they step out of line. And if they do, you know who they are, how many, etc.

    I can understand why people misunderstand me and my meaning. I look at things with empathy, a love of freedom, a deep desire for open discussions, autonomy, and belief in taking action against others only when it’s truly justifiable (such as cases of physical threat, or impending threat)

  • Idk. I recognize a lot of my beliefs and behaviours as cringe, but I think I’ve cringed so hard at them that I’m now on the other side of that. I look back at my ignorant, gullible, past-self with compassion and the understanding that I’m still likely holding on to incorrect beliefs (and that I’ll likely continue to grow through them) It’s partly why I tend to be so argumentative, I think. (How do you grow without challenge?)

    I currently hold the belief of: Love yourself, it’ll help to generate more compassion for those around you

    (Though I confess I still have many moments of wanting to call people idiots, and it takes a lot to realize that I, too, could be the idiot. It’s a process, ya know?)