I run the midwest.social instance as well as the undernopretext.social mastodon instance
Relevant song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fKaWQK2k3w
The cats were cute. The hosts’ reactions to seeing them was a bit over the top imo.
What’s also funny is he showed up to court to testify against Leif in his chainmail armor. I don’t think it helped his case.
I haven’t watched it yet but there is video of the whole thing somewhere online as well if you want to see what happened.
Crab rave
I know a few people IRL that were first person witnesses to what happened. From what they say, Leif was escorting families at the event when a guy in full crusader armor hit him with a megaphone, and Leif defended himself and those families with mace. Now, I’m a bit fuzzy on the other people involved, but there was supposedly some parent with his 12 year old kid who had a pepper ball gun pointed at Leif and a knife of some kind who also were involved. And yes, the KID had a pepper ball gun.
Edit: the guy in crusader armor is known around the Cleveland, Ohio area as the Alt Knight who pretty much protests anything even remotely progressive. Pic below.
Here is a (not that great pic) I snagged of him at a drag story hour event I was at yesterday. Looks like his mom bought him a new helmet lmao.
Costco is a wholesale store commonly found in US cities. They sell really cheap food and are famous for their cheap as dirt hot dogs that cost $1.50.
2 cats really isn’t too different than one cat. I mean, yeah, you’ll pay for another vet bill from time to time but it’s usually not that big a deal. If you can afford it I’d say go for it.
Source: have 3 cats
No problem! I had the same issue and was losing my mind trying to fix it. It still doesn’t update the timestamp like it should automatically so I’ve been doing it myself.
I believe anything prior to that timestamp will not federate. New stuff should.
Try select * from instance where domain = 'popular.instance';
and see the last time it was updated via the updated
column. I’ve been having to update that column with update instance set updated = now();
because once that timestamp becomes older than 3 days your instance assumes it’s “dead”.
I was shooting my fully legal, registered SBR at a private range I was sharing with some boomer. He saw the length of it and was like, “Ooooh! Don’t get caught by law enforcement with that or you’ll be in deep shit!”. I explained that I had all the proper paperwork for it and even showed him that it was engraved with my name and the city I “built” the gun in like the law requires. He was still like, “…yeah but that’s a stock, not a pistol brace”. I just decided to drop the topic after assuring him one more time that it’s legal.
I follow a rule that I saw written in sharpie at a hipster bar bathroom in Calgary, Alberta: piss in the sink or sink in the piss.
and anti American
I have an embroidered, velcro-backed patch of this for my range hat.
In my case docker didn’t have a default max size that logs would stop at, so they just grew and grew exponentially. I also had the highest log level turned on to debug something so it was constantly logging a bunch of data.
That’s different than arguing with people on the internet. Daryl Davis shows these people their shared humanity face-to-face. All I’ve ever seen from letting fash “debate” people on the internet is them slowly spreading their ideology to vulnerable people who are viewing the same conversations. Saying stuff that sounds reasonable on the surface like, “not everyone you disagree with is a nazi” even though they want to kill minorities as if that motive vs not wanting that to happen/doing everything in your power to make sure it doesn’t happen is a simple disagreement.
Nazis/extremists don’t respond to rational arguments against their ideology.
Traceroute traces packets by IP address so he’s “finding” the IP of the virus and then deleting that location which makes no sense because you can’t really delete an IP address.