• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • It’s been a very long week. I’m glad it’s almost over, and I’ll have two rest days until next week starts. My depression got slightly worse due to someone unexpected coming back into my life, someone I thought I’d never talk to or hear from again. I was getting accustomed to no longer having this person around, and I realised I was doing much better without them. My anxiety was under control; I was making more gains in the gym than ever, girls(and guys!) started paying more attention to me whenever I went out, and I was finally trying out new hobbies!

    Then, out of nowhere, four weeks ago or so, I got a message on my WhatsApp. Despite being in a much better place now, I engaged with them. I knew it was a bad idea from the get-go, but part of me was still clinging to the past, I suppose. Finally, I did what I should’ve done aeons ago: I closed our communication channels yesterday when they inevitably brought more drama into my life that I didn’t need. We’ve known each other for 22 years, and part of me will sorely miss them, but I think I’m much better off without them.

    I’ve been training a lot and got into natural bodybuilding over the past few months. I finally found a coach that seems pretty good, and I’m hoping we can start training after the summer once I’m back from my parents’ place. Sadly, all of this has messed up my recovery as it has substantially increased my stress levels. Hopefully, it’ll all be back on track soon. Being an HSP makes this situation harder, but I think I’m better equipped now than ever. It’s only up from here! (I hope!)

    Sorry for the wall of text. It’s been a very long week, and I suppose I needed to vent somewhere.

  • I have the same problem; my flat is only about 50sqm. Judging by the way things are going, I think there’s a chance Nvidia will release some consumer-grade hardware meant for LLMs in the near-ish future. Until they reveal their next lineup, although it may seem like a poor financial decision, I’m just sticking to using the cloud for running llms.

    I’m also hoping to get my hands on some raspberry pis too. I would like to build a toy k3s cluster at some point and maybe run my own mastodon instance. :)

  • Thank you for your words, I really appreciate it. ❤️

    I managed to convince myself, with the help of my therapist and trainer, that exercising is a habit that is essential for my wellbeing. I’ve lost 15kg and am quite proud of my progress. It’s the first time in a long time that I can look myself in the mirror and feel comfortable in my body. Mind you, I’m not thin by any means and don’t feel like I need to be, but I do feel and look much healthier. :)

    I cannot recommend Ursula’s books enough. Her writing style is so fluid and satisfying. The way she crafts her sentences is stunning. She’s a very good storyteller. Reading her book has been the highlight of my day.

  • silentdanni@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.orghow's your week going, Beehaw
    7 months ago

    I had two parties to attend this weekend, but ended up getting a flu. It’ll be chicken soup and crappy reality TV for me.

    My mental health has also started to decline again since last week. I’m not sure if it’s the deadly winter of the Nordics or just depression slowly creeping back in. In any case, I feel really scared. The world feels overwhelming and it seems, at times, that my efforts to come to grips with the new circumstances surrounding my life are futile.

    I try to convince myself that I did the best I could, that the alternative solution would’ve most likely brought my early demise.

    Still, it feels I did everything wrong. I feel I closed some doors that I did not mean to close. I reached the conclusion that the events that took place this year will most likely haunt me to my deathbed. I hope some day it stops hurting so much, though.

    I look around and see some friends who have gone through similar situations and it all seems so easy to them. “Don’t compare yourself with others”, my therapist says incessantly every week. Sadly, I can’t help feeling weak in this situation. It’s been over 9 months, but still find myself crying every now and then before bed. I still find myself wishing I just wouldn’t wake up the next morning.

    It’s not all bad though. I’m still being very consistent with the gym and I’m now doing pull ups like they were never a problem. I have also learned a few new songs in my acoustic guitar and it finally doesn’t sound like I’m killing a cat whenever I strum it.

    Oh, I’ve also been reading The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin and I think that’s the first book that completely transports me to another world since the first Harry Potter. 😄

    Take care everyone and sorry for the wall of text. o/

  • It has not been a bad week. It has been over two weeks with no self-harm thoughts and I can’t express how happy I am about it. Of course, my brain still insists on waking me up in the middle of the night to give me a highlight reel of my past fuckups, but I’m coping.

    I’ve also been learning to accept that one of the most important persons in my life is now gone and that’s it. It’s okay, though, I’ve been doing fine enough without her and the thought of not talking to her ever again doesn’t terrify anymore.

    My deload week at gym has been ok. It’s easy and light, which I’m slowly learning to appreciate. My body feels great when it’s not so fatigued by constantly lifting heavy weights. Keeping tabs on my diet has been paying its dividends as I see my BMI going down week after week. I’m a few pounds away from no longer being considered overweight. Oh yeah, I also managed to do my first pull up!

    All in all, it’s been a positive week. I’m hoping that the horrible events that took place earlier this year are now firmly behind me and won’t come back to haunt me. God, I really fucking hope so. It was hard, folks, it was really fucking hard.

  • Well, it has just started, but I cannot complain. I think my depression and my anxiety both seem to be somewhat stable; it feels like my nervous system is finally getting used to my new circumstances. I also haven’t had any thoughts about self-harm in 3-4 days, which I think is a major accomplishment, so I’m proud of myself.

  • silentdanni@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlwhitest paint
    9 months ago

    I do. I think it’s quite nice and I have them somewhat regularly. They’re not overpriced where I live, they’re about the same price of a normal latte at any other cafe. So technically not overpriced, but still expensive.

    Edit: my ex-partner introduced me to it and she was a typical white woman from southern US. So there’s that.

  • It’s been going. I think my nervous system is finally getting used to the absence of the one person who’s been here for half of my life. I’m trying to shift my outlook on life and trying to convince myself that I can pull this off on my own. I think there’s been a bit of progress because not every breath feels like torture and I’m no longer thinking of doing anything stupid. There’s a life ahead and I can sort of see it now. It may even be good :)

  • Thank you for your comment! I’ve been on the fence about buying a weighted blanket for a while, but I’ll most definitely get one now! I’ve gotten used to ignoring my body cues and just staying in a situation even though it feels extremely uncomfortable. This is definitely something I need to work on. I also need to move to another house, I think. I currently don’t feel safe or comfortable where I live and it’s taking a bigger toll on my mental health than I was willing to admit.

  • Thanks for your comment! I’ve always tried to engage in self-reflective exercises even before starting therapy. I’ve always been an introspective person. While I’ve never really delved too deeply into meditation, I’ve looked into stoicism quite a bit. In fact, I have exchanged a few emails with professor Massimo Pigliucci, which was very, very helpful!

    Unfortunately, my creative side has always been shut down by my parents as I was growing up. Whenever I showed interest in poetry, piano and so on they were discarded as “non-productive” hobbies. I eventually found other ways to let my creativity flow in ways that were deemed more acceptable. Now in my 30’s I’m slowly getting back into writing poetry and music. I’m no longer suppressing my sensitivity side and it feels great.

  • Things have been somewhat more stable. My anxiety and depression seem to be somewhat under control although there are still the really bad days here and there. I’m slowly getting over severing ties with my best friend of 18 years and am slowly coming to the realisation that maybe it was all for the best. Otherwise, all is the same, gym, work, therapy, some light gaming and reading. Things will be okay.