• 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2020


  • FxOS only targeting low–mid-range phones in developing markets only seemed a bit odd. Basically no one had heard of it & these places largely choose used/old version of premium products to buying budget unless they have to. There was hype in the dev community about getting a B2G device, but there was hardly availability & specs were abysmal for an OS running a non-fast interpreted language like JavaScript. Not only that but the marketing was around openness & developer-friendliness—things average consumers don’t care about (even if they should).

    Imagine in a parallel universe where the idea was managed properly & B2G left the phone sphere too—where school kids were required to get a FxBook instead of Chromebooks… 😶

  • Domino’s tries to keep their ingredients fairly similar globally, but Pizza Hut tries much more agressively to adapt to local tastes in certain markets—like Thailand. I don’t know who they poll, but thousand island sauce with imitation crabs is not where it is at, & the frozen dough sucks. At least Domino’s uses corn meal + a shit ton of garlic to mask being lower quality. That said, I had Pizza Hut in Hanoi on Christmas a few years ago & it was honestly was one of the best pizzas I had ever had—from the crust, to zesty sauce, to the right amount of burn on the cheese. So… 🤷

  • Being federated isn’t the same as living in the same Fediverse. You can upvote a Lemmy post from Mastodon since they both use ActivityPub but you can’t do that with a Matrix account. There are a couple of different ActivityPub-like generalized protocols out there, but none of them are near the size of ActivityPub & Lemmy is ActivityPub so for all intents & purposes for this conversation the Fediverse here (& most places) is ActivityPub. Matrix is on an entirely different federated network & they aren’t related.

  • #!/usr/bin/env dash
    set -e
    cd $HOME/nixcfg
    # flake inputs to update
    for input in nixpkgs nixos-hardware home-manager hosts; do
    	nix --extra-experimental-features flakes --no-warn-dirty flake update $input
    # rebuild NixOS
    nixos-rebuild --use-remote-sudo switch --keep-going --fallback --flake $HOME/nixcfg#$(hostname)
    # check for firmware upgrades
    fwupdmgr get-updates
    # print hard drive status info
    sudo smartctl -H /dev/nvme0n1
    sudo zpool status -v -x