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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • WideEyedStupid@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    This is what you take away from my comment? Nobody was attacking anyone until you started berating OP for having thoughts. Do you honestly think I’m walking around calling fat people names all the time? Or that OP does that? Of course not. What we’re thinking inside our own heads does not constitute an attack.

    It’s hilarious that you think you’re on some moral high ground, implying that you never have any negative thoughts about anyone. Go stand on a lego, please.

  • WideEyedStupid@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldArch user
    2 months ago

    Wtf are you talking about? Nowhere does OP say he’s angry or even really bothered by it at all. He just thinks “oh ewww, that looks disgusting” and then goes about his day. What’s more disturbing is that so many people apparently seem to think that being this fat is actually something we should just accept or even celebrate.

    I feel like society should have a role in making sure people don’t ever get this fat. And not because it’s “eww” or ugly, but because it’s fucking unhealthy. Whenever I see a person like this, I feel pity. You don’t get this fat in a few months. This means years and years of bad habits, lack of access to healthy foods, maybe a terrible childhood with parents who didn’t give a shit, no assistance from the people around you who just stand by and watch it happen (or even enable it), very likely a highly fucked up self image and other issues. This is simply not healthy. It’s terrible.

    And this weird thing is happening where people can’t even say these things anymore without being attacked by people like you. I think you actually believe that OP’s opinion is the outlandish one. And that just makes me sad.

  • Agreed 1000%. That game is phenomenal. It has made me laugh so hard I ended up crying, well and sometimes I was just crying. An emotional roller coaster, superb writing.

    My husband was playing it and I thought the game looked terrible, but he kept saying I really should play it, and I can’t put into words how fucking happy I am that I chose to try it. Can’t believe I almost missed out on it. Truly a masterpiece.

  • If only for the soundtrack, it’s worth playing once, at least. It’s so haunting and beautiful. The first time I played DOS1, I knew I would love it the moment I heard the music at startup. RIP Kirill, his music was so beautiful. Also nice they put his music on the piano in a certain evil dude’s house in DOS2!

    Maybe I should replay it again. Just like OP I’m having a bit of a BG3 withdrawal issue.

  • Oh the graphics don’t bother me at all, the Legndary edition holds up fine, I think. But ME1 has the best story in the trilogy, it’s why I still play it. I still remember the first time I played it. Being made a Spectre, speaking to Sovereign, the attack on the Citadel. How scary and unknowable the Reapers were. Hanging up on the Council. ;) The main storyline is better than 2 and 3 combined, imo. However, you are right that ME1 has some issues. While the Legendary Edition fixed a lot of the issues (and it does play smoothly, I do think), there are some things in ME1 that have become so tedious I don’t even do them anymore. Mainly talking about the exploration of unchartered worlds and the terrible handling of the Mako, or how every outpost looks the same, every mine looks the same, with the exact same layout. Makes it feel way more dated than it feels if you only go through the story. Not to mention the headache that is inventory management and swapping weapons and mods and grenades, turning everything into omni-gel because the stupid mini-game is even more annoying than inventory management!

    For this reason I made a few save games that I 100%ed (one paragon, one renegade, different romances, etc). And I backed those up. Now, whenever I play ME1 I only do the main storyline and some side quests, and ignore the rest, lol. Then in ME2 I import one of the files I saved. Cut out all the tedium. ;)

  • Ugh this. I hate it so much, in fact, that when I finally (FINALLY) found one that actually, really fit, I spent almost €800 on bras, just to buy a bunch of them and prevent the necessesity to go bra-shopping. Plus, I checked recently and they still have them, so I’ll just order a bunch more and be done for a while again.

    I mean, sometimes I look in the mirror and think ‘well, I guess they look nice’ but god, breasts really are more trouble than they’re worth. Especially in summer. And especially if you don’t have like a ‘standard’ size.

  • How would this even work? How are they going to stop brigading, bots, low effort spam crap for upvotes, massive reposting, etc? How will this actually increase quality of content?

    Also: this would mean giving reddit your actual information, right? How else are they going to pay you? Or are they going to try using crypto and nfts?

    It sounds like a terrible idea to me, tbh. Maybe they should start with paid moderators to deal with all the extra spam, crossposting, brigading and bots that will result from this move.

  • You can think the mother and daughter should face consequences AND at the same time think it’s beyond disgusting that facebook even has this info to begin with AND that they handed it over so easily.

    The problem isn’t that “facebook followed the law” – it’s that they knowingly created a situation where they could follow the law to begin with. If they would stop collecting so much data and just encrypt their chats, there would already be less of an issue.

    I think people have the tendency to think like “well I have nothing to hide, so who cares?” or “well in this case I agree with what happened, so it’s fine.” But laws get changed all the time, government changes all the time. And when a dictator at some point changes some laws, suddenly facebook is ‘following the law’ by giving law enforcement information on who is atheist, or gay, or what books you like, what your political opinions are, etc. They’d still be “following the law” – but just because something is law doesn’t make it right and imo it’s terrifying that companies who have so much money and power (and with it you would hope: responsibility) don’t seem to have any scrupules regarding working with government/LE.