• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s been a busy week so far. Trying to tidy my flat before an inspection next week as well as get some reporting done before a deadline tomorrow (it won’t be done in time but their expectations aren’t particularly reasonable so doing what I can). Got to do a Hackathon today based around a potential new system which was exciting! It’s so much better than what we have at the moment.

    Going to Amsterdam on Friday for the weekend, really looking forward to it

  • I live in the UK so tipping thankfully isn’t a thing here as we have minimum wage. I will tip if I’m at a restaurant with a group of people but otherwise I won’t tip at all. Hospitality workers deserve to be paid more but it’s not up to the customers to supplement a dodgy business. I am in a union and will always vote for parties who advocate for employment rights though.

    Tipping is very much a cultural thing and I think it’s not wise to treat it like it’s the same everywhere. In the US it sounds like it’s a necessary evil and if I were to visit I would comply, but it’s not the same as in other countries.

  • Hope you feel better soon @alyaza!

    Been off here for a bit as things got busy with work and choirs, but now things are starting to relax a bit ahead of Christmas which is good.

    My niece was born at the end of November, was nice to meet her even if I’m not a baby fan (they’re so warm though! Had no idea). Looking forward to her being out of nappies/able to talk so I can bond with her a bit.

    Had the first Christmas concert of the season last week which went well, always in awe of the orchestra we play with, they’re so talented that I forget I’m supposed to be singing. Have two carol concerts week after next which will be fun.

    Seeing some comedy this weekend and next week which I’m looking forward to.

  • Busy week for me so far and I am knackered. Been out and about with work which is nice but it’s so tiring being sociable on a Monday, usually I work from home in my pyjamas. Finally got an answer regarding my salary, it’s not going down in April after all. I think appealing to my director did it, for a manager she is pretty great.

    Performing in a concert on the weekend as well as doing a choral workshop so I will be amazed if I can speak on Sunday. Going to a work conference up north(ish) next week which will be fun. Staying in a relatively posh hotel overnight and cannot wait.

  • It’s been a long week. Quarterly reporting time so I haven’t really stopped. It’s been good though, very productive. I went to a show last night which was great fun, just what I needed.

    Also finally found a form of fibre craft that I can do- loom knitting. Makes such a difference to not have to rely on hand eye coordination, turns out mine is worse than I thought! So looks like the baby hat will be ready for my niece after all.