Shit did hit the fan then
The winds of shit, Rand
When shit hits the fan
I mean, it’s almost certainly correct. Not large amounts of it, but it’s there outside of a handful of clean rooms.
Chiefly in the form of farticles.
A thin layer of carbon on the surface of something is a sure sign that it’s been exposed to Earth’s atmosphere. Even just a second is enough to completely coat something with carbon.
Among other things…
Horoscopes are always full of excrement.
First time a horoscope has had any semblance of truth.
Firehose of falsehoods
As always, mask up
Typical - they just state something that has an extremely high chance of being true anyway.
Shit particles are everywhere all the time.
If you smell shit, that’s because you’re breathing in tiny particles of shit.
Erről a “Kóvályogsz itt mint gólyafos a levegőben” jut eszembe.
Fuck Orban.
Hell yeah, fuck him.