“And they shall bear the mark of the beast upon their forehead.”
Who knew that it was stupidity that would drive that sentence to reality and not some overarching organized evil plan.
Back in November 2020, I remember some meme with text along the lines of “Yes, Biden won. Now, watch me not build a shrine to him on my yard or put his name all over my truck like a fucking weirdo.”
The Trump weirdos have done that, they just put Fuck or Truck (if they’re pussies) in front of Biden or Brandon
A bit like carving the swastika yourself
That’s weird
This is a warning.
Can you imagine the the level of rationalization that has to happen everyday with this person around.
“It’s just a tattoo; she’s still a person.”
“One day she could get a decent cover up. It won’t be great but it’ll be better then it is now.”
“At least I know for a fact how disgusting she is, there is no hiding it.”
“Yeah babe, put on the maga hat again, that’s my fetish. Please don’t take it off, either, it’s so hot on you.”
“Look at the bright side, no one really expects very much of you.”
It seems that she’s on OnlyFans, which means somebody might have paid her for this.
If so, I hope she was paid well.
I hope it’s a really good make up job.
Shit’s fake. No redness around the other letters. Also if it was a tattoo the artist should be embarrassed by her shit lines. Michael J Fox could draw a straighter line.
The visible inflammation and progression of healing you can see on her Tiktok and the video of it being done mean it’s either a very convincing fake or she’s actually that insane. She’s not even American btw.
Also over caked on makeup. I don’t know shit about tattoos, but I know you sterilize the surface before repeatedly jabbing a needle into your skin.
My tattoo artist only makes the area and a bit around it sterile. So I don’t think any tattoo artist would sterilize the whole face.
A good artist would
In Fallout 2 there’s an option to become a slaver, which lets you make some extra money in the short term, but comes with a hefty reputation penalty with almost everyone in the wasteland for the rest of the game, since it comes with a “SLAVER” tatto on your forehead. You’ll be locked out of some quests, some characters refuse to join you and bounty hunters will be harassing you. It’s 100% not worth it, though it can make for a more challenging playthrough.
Not sure why I just remembered that.
Where can I subscribe to random videogame factoids like this?
I guess you could check those yt channels that do the “top x games that y” content
Seems stupid to tattoo that on your forehead too
Hope this woman had her tubes tied…
One of the funny parts about this is that I think the guys who believe any kind of tattoo is unattractive (and that it’s important women with tattoos know that they find tattoos unattractive) lean more conservative. So she’s likely getting negative feedback already from some of the people she wanted to impress with this.
And in a decade or two, that name could either be seen similar to Hitler’s or as an embarrassment.
Plus block tattoos like that are difficult to cover up in a way that looks nice. And lazer removal hurts more than getting the tattoo does, plus isn’t perfect, so she might need that and a cover up to prevent it from being at least faintly visible.
Difficult to cover up? Just write TRUMPET. 🎺
Ok, it wouldn’t be centered anymore, but better than before. And then join a brass band.
Imagine if this was your mother and she was giving a speech at your wedding or you bring a girl home, or maybe you’re still in highschool and she picks you up.😄
I can’t think of any other occasions, my family was never close.
Just graft some skin from her ass over the top.
Better to not be able to sit down and to look like Frankensteins monster than walk around with that tattoo
This has got to be fake lol at least I hope so for her sake
Doesn’t seem like it….
As of 3 days ago, she still has and posts about the tattoo on Instagram.
Here’s a mp4 of her getting it done.
Also, at this point in this weird as fuck timeline, I don’t doubt that someone would do this.
Aisforapple makes an astute observation:
*Finishes the P* “Oh shit, we forgot to make the skin red!” *Pretends to finish the P again*
It seems plausible that this is fake.
As insane as it is to get a TRUMP forehead tattoo… it’s at least comparatively insane to go to that amount of effort to make people think that you had got a TRUMP forehead tattoo.
Like, to what end? “Haha! I made you believe I was a fucking idiot and/or mentally ill! You idiot! You actually believed I was an industrial grade moron!”
Either that or, a deeply disturbing possibility, she was hoping to inspire someone even dumber than her to get an actual TRUMP forehead tattoo, and that’s getting into realms of sociopathy that I find disturbing to contemplate.
The end they want is for their shitty insta or tok page to “blow up”.
There’s no swelling in the photo and the video leaves a bunch of fucking holes in the prank too.
I unfortunately don’t give enough fucks to bother looking for pics of her in 4 months time to see if it was fake or not, but I’m pretty sure it’s bullshit.
its nice when the crazy people self-identify, esp from a distance. bonus.
When you got so many red flags, you need to make a new word.
Here’s a link to the full video of it being done: https://www.tiktok.com/@jasonmoments/video/7400060318824631585
And here’s her Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarbodApTv
And her OF: https://onlyfans.com/rainmonroe
Important take aways:
- WTF?
- She’s British.
- She’s certainly catering to a specific market.
- 🤦♂️
She’s BRITISH? You realize how much worse that makes it to walk around with “TRUMP” on your forehead?
There’s a member of my (American) family who considers herself a fan of Queen Elizabeth II, but has somehow resisted the urge to get any facial tattoos about her so far.
Hooo boy I’d love to find out how her day’s going in about 5 years.
I’d check in in four months.
I thought this was AI Generated