• DicJacobus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    its probbly the rear projection. it looked like this, but my memory tells me it was quite a bit bigger https://i.redd.it/ig6k6bngyaca1.jpg

    edit - its actually probably that same model i linked or a bigger version of the same line, its an RCA, I know they had a lot of those throughout the years, my grandfather ran a furinture, electronics, appliance and computer store in the early 2000s and the house was always full of Panasonic, RCA, and “Zenith” electronics. As well as the occasional thing from the more well known brands like Hitachi, Toshiba, and Sony.

    but Zenith and RCA were dominant there

    double edit - it appears RCA went defunct before I was even born, so if it was an RCA it would have been something he bought used, or had kicking around from before I was born.