…smaller communities
So like it was before the dawn of Reddit and social media?
Sign me the fuck up. I miss my dumb little websites with a dodgy layout full of terribly cropped gifs.
But how will we find any of these small sites with the dogshit search is lately.
Webrings, index pages, pure chance
So the past of the internet?
History rhymes and all that
“Time flows like a river, and history repeats.” -Secret of Mana
Time flows like a river, and fruit flies like a banana.
Everything old is new again.
The original web 3 was supposed to be a return to form of web 1, with the good stuff of web 2 and decentralized. Then cryptobros hijacked it
Yes and, We’re taking it back.
There’s more than just lemmy
it would be interesting to have some kind of study about which one is more popular these days, the fedivetse or the cryptobro web 3
I’d ask Jauwn
I don’t think I’ve really seen any literature about web3 that wasn’t a crypto scam in a trench coat. Do you have any links or info about the original goals of web3?
This is a story about my web3 thoughts, circa 2018… https://mangocats.com/ao/IslandLife.html
Wikipedia agrees with you
Riiight… nothing to do with advertising. It was cryptobros, it’s always cryptobros.
But it is crypto bros
I firmly believe that connecting people to their IRL friends is an important part of the potential of the Internet, as it is shown by Facebook, for example.
But I also believe there are people looking to connect with new people and finding a community where they can express themselves wholly. I think the current Internet is weak in this regard, weaker than it has been before, but I think it’s possible to build a place where people can connect.
Pretty much. I should be able tobmake friends with any human on earth with an internet connection. That this is still hard is something we need to fix
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I have a friends Discord I set up a year before Covid, and for about a year only 3 people used it, mainly to play some games together.
But when Covid hit, it obviously gained some traction. And now it’s THE place I interact with friends since I’ve long ditched the likes of Facebook.
I keep going back and forth on whether or not to possibly set up a Mastodon server for friends. The hardest part would be convincing people to use it. But it could just be like our little shared space that could still interact with the wider world. It’d be kinda cool to have a Local feed be just people you know in real life.
A small friend group is best suited for chat programs (discord et al.) But if you want to expand the group a mastodon server is a good idea
One might suggest that it should have always been that way.
It is for me, but I have my doubts that the majority will avoid the corporate-owned spaces.
Depends on where you live, but in the US I think there will be a sharp divide between two general groups: a minority who put some thought into what they do, and the vast meme-ified masses who accept whatever is laid out for them.
I think it’s always going to be a sort of long-tail phenomenon, with most people involved in the biggest platforms, but a large number of small platforms that attract a minority of the overall population.
They’re getting so shit people will have no choice. They’re already leaving one alienated group at a time
“the future of the internet is likely its past…”
Check out Neocities, a great community of indie web fans, built in the spirit of the old GeoCities sites.
Some really great sites there, it really captures that late 90’s to early 2000’s internet vibes.
US servers though… better self-host or use another non-US VPS.
Definitely depends on the site because I’ve seen some impressive modern looking sites in the past, but a lot of sites I find on there definitely encapsulate that vibe in a great way.
I think by now we have figured out the majority of people are garbage and you only want to spend time with a select group. Discord seems to have this figured out.
The only thing which has changed is the medium.
astronaut holding gun meme.jpg
we’ve always been garbage.
I don’t think we have. Some people theorise that the tower of babel really happened. Whether you’re religous or not doesn’t really matter but it shows that during the earliest recorded days humanity wanted to help each other and everyone by building a tower. There are theories as to why god didn’t allow the tower to reach them so then the blame is put on god, not humanity.
Esperanto ftw.
The theological explanation I’ve been hearing recently for that is that God didn’t want humanity to be a monolithic entity, but rather to have many different flavors and cultures. Supporting evidence is that in Revelation there is reference to all of the nations and tribes on the Earth being represented in heaven. Meaning that those cultures are retained, minus the worst parts of them. It’s actually a great argument for intentional diversity and allowing people groups to maintain their uniqueness rather than assimilate into a global conglomerate.
Naw, it was just divide and rule.
But to play devil’s advocate (pun very much intended) in the gnostic scripture of the nag Hamadi it straight up says whoever parctipated in the tower of babel will go to hell. Why punish people when they thought they were doing good? And the nag hamadi also says whatever happens in the world is god’s will. Meaning every single event in history whether good or bad is because god wanted it that way. So according to the nag hamadi god wanted all the wars, all the climate change, all the confusion, all the rape and murder is because god wanted it. Why aren’t we born with knowledge of every language if god wanted diverse languages? That way people will choose the language they speak rather than it being forced upon them from wherever they’re born. The nag hamadi actually answers every existential question if you read it objectively without any pre existing beliefs in my personal view. We don’t have any free will on earth according to the nag hamadi and this is the only universe that exists.
There are a lot of gnostic writings but they don’t hold much value. They were essentially rejected when they were written. You did ask an interesting question though, why we aren’t born with knowledge of every language if God wanted to diverse languages.
I’ve read theology about this as well, and the answer that I’m hearing at the moment regarding that has to do with the speaking in tongues that was released at Pentecost. On that occasion, there were people from many other regions assembled in Jerusalem and when they began to speak in tongues, people from foreign lands heard their own native tongue spoken clearly. The way it’s described, it seems even the dialects were correct.
It’s not clear if that was a miracle of being able to speak in a language they didn’t understand, or if it was a miracle of understanding. But it does seem to be a reversal of the confusion that was caused by the multiple languages at the tower of Babel, yet retaining the diversity and also creating unity. The inferred implication is that the same kind of understanding will be available in eternity when all of the brokenness of this world is restored with a new heaven and new Earth.
Some majorities are bigger than others.
It depends on the discord. I joined a discord where the most narcissistic people were there and they singled me out for whatever reason because I wasn’t just simply going with their thinking. There was another member that thought like me but their own narcissi tendencies made up a conspiracy theory that somehow that was my alt. I didn’t even know the guy irl. It’s a shame as I was interested in the subject matter of the discord but I guess if enough village idiots own a discord, the smart villager is seen as the idiot.
Just like as it was in the past
You’ve found the leading light of destiny burning in the ashes of your memory.
The future is the past!
We should be able to bootstrap activityPub to GeoCities websites. WordPress integration is taking a long time.
That’s backwards, activitypub is higher level than websites. And you can literally make a website already and embed an activitypub stream
Small communities where one can talk about specific subjects? Man there’s something like that already and people can run it from their own computers too, forgot the name though.
The good old days of phpmybb
Real issue is how much effort are people willing to put to maintain those communities.
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Discourse has some of the forums that use it on its website
The best I can think of off hand is to look at the mobile apps that are designed to interact with traditional forums, because they will have directories of all the ones that are integrated with them. For example, Tapatalk and Fora Communities. You should be able to find thousands of forums categorized in those apps? I’ve never used these apps myself, but have heard of them.
This is what Google used to be for.
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Thank fuck the corporate silo era is (slowly) coming to an end. And they tried so hard to turn it into TV 2.0.
Depends on how you measure things. If you pie-chart the internet by bandwidth used, most of it is currently used for TV 2.0 (streaming video, mostly by subscription.)
I really don’t consider streaming services to be the “real” internet. It’s video on demand, and not a communication, socialization and creation space like the rest of the net.