The only few reason I know so far is software availability, like adobe software, and Microsoft suite. Is there more of major reasons that I missed?

    9 months ago

    You perfectly describe Linux from 10-20 years ago but a lot has changed and improved

    Last time I installed Linux, it took me about 30 minutes. I had a perfectly fine system that I then improved to my personal likings because I can, not because I must.

    I also (about a month or so ago) installed windows 11 and it was a shit show. Getting the ISO installed on a USB stick already took hours and more attempts than I wish to remember to get something that actually worked.

    Then the installation, It took literally hours, loads of “I want to sell you shit you don’t need!” screens, I needed to download gigabyte sized files for drivers with bloat shit, it managed to freeze within minutes.

    People pay money for that shit and it will spy on you.

    Meanwhile in Linux land, you can have it as simple or as complex as you wish

    Don’t come up with the “but inevitably something will break and then you need a command line she’ll” because have you ever had the fun of needing to dig around in undocumented windows registry bullshit, or the windows “power” shelll?

      9 months ago

      I too am using Linux, but finding an “automatic” linux is difficult since most distros are about performance. It’s like trying to find an Italian Sports Car with an automatic.

      And for the general user, they don’t install their OS. It’s preinstalled on a Laptop, or an all-in-one, think-dell office PC that their company provides them. Sign in like you do with everything today and you are good to go. Even Macs do this.

      Linux has improved, but the desktop os’s need to be more stable (in 1 year I broke 2 manjaro installs and my BTFS file system died in my Fedora install), packages need to be more up to date, and there needs to be gui’s for any setting that a user needs to access like restarting a systemd process. A general user will not touch a terminal. Let alone download a git repo, just to update the latest build of Mangohud since the Ubuntu version is so out of date that the GOverlay GUI Utility that’s on Ubuntu doesn’t work with it.

      • anti-idpol
        9 months ago

        manjaro’s so notorious for it’s bad mainteinance it even gained a website for tracking the last time they screwed something up. I’m glad I haven’t seen anyone recommend that shitty distro in a while. Tbh nix (the package manager) has proven to provide excellent stability no matter whether I used it on macOS or Artix. It’s been more than a year since I had to reinstall my OS or generally deal with large scale system breakage. Also have grub set up to provide both a LTS and edge kernel, for example. The last installation that broke for me was well over a year ago, it was OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and it also used btrfs. Which is a pretty nice FS if set up correctly, but by default it’s quite slow. Then I switched to Alpine since I’ve been using it on a VPS for a couple of months earlier and absolutely loved it. I don’t count fucking up the configuration files as system breaking because I assume the consensus to be that we refer to unexpected issues here. Getting rid of GDM, glibc, bash, systemd, coreutils and similar bloat not only speeds up your system, it also improves it’s security and stability.

        I wonder when I’ll become so deranged to start tinkering around with BSDs and Gentoo, it’ll be pretty funny if instead of wasting my time gaming I’ll waste it hacking my system to improve it’s responsiveness by 1-2% lmao

          9 months ago

          TBH, when Manjaro broke it was my fault, I know it was my own fault, and I feel if I was running EndeavorOS the results would’ve been the same if I did the same actions.

          That said, yes the miss-matches repos drove me insane, especially as someone who likes keep my update number at 0, and I can’t update AUR packages. And there were a few niggles and grips here and there. But as a power user, who didn’t want to touch a terminal, Manjaro has the best set of Setting and Configuration GUI’s I’ve used thus far in Linux. If another distro took what Manjaro did, but kept it to the Arch Repos, then I’d use it in a heart beat.