I use it on every phone handset at work… I guess it’s the switch PoE not the pc mobo but the effect is the same. If you are talking pc mobo PoE I guess it could be handy if you had a PoE camera…
I use it on every phone handset at work… I guess it’s the switch PoE not the pc mobo but the effect is the same. If you are talking pc mobo PoE I guess it could be handy if you had a PoE camera…
One thing other answers have missed is that some ssds encrypt data before writing and obviously after reading (this prevents a swap the storage controller type attack) A secure erase on such a device consists of changing the read/write key. Takes milliseconds. Irrevocable (unless you find a way to read previous contents of the key storage)
drawings do not exploit anyone.
Hmmm. I think you will find in many jurisdictions that they are treated as if they do.
If it was an SSD… Its possible you have an SSD that claims to be say 256Gb but actually has a 32Gb chip inside (or smaller) that lies about how big it is and just wraps the writes so they complete… However the format is broken, as is the drive.
First off - not a retail employee.
Untidy carts in the corral, for some reason, annoy me. Even if it takes a few minutes to sort them, for size and straightness, I have to - much to the annoyance of people who are waiting for me to get back to the car.
I guess it’s irritation at the bad people who cba to be considerate to the cart collectors. Ffs you aren’t doing someone’s job, you are making their lives a bit less shit for 30s of effort.
I would second pdq.
I use the free version to assist with the non gpo installable crapware the school has to use. It is restricted in what it can do but us good enough.
For python and the like, are you sure you want that on your network on every day workstations? Most school networks have a no programming languages policy (though handwave powershell)
We use a virtualbox vm with an immutable hard disk as a container… Semms to work OK and might be something to look at. Has the advantage that updates are simple - change to disk image.
It’s a hay rake design by some guy called Barnsley… Arts & Crafts movement. Plain oak top, 7’x3’ ish, dovetail fit to oak hay rake frame which is wooden pinned together. The top has been abused over the years but being oak it just absorbs the abuse and turns it into character!
There is one in the same style in Cheltenham museum (UK) but mine is nicer. My cousin has its twin.
Not sure it counts but I have an oak dining table my grandfather bought back in 1910 or there abouts… So 113 years-ish. Still used every day.
I didn’t claim anything :) - the words “pure guess” are a give away.
Pure guess here…
signal uses “magic” to encrypt messages at rest.
Part of this magic relates to the hardware.
Change the hardware and you won’t be able to decrypt the messages.
So try to move a message database to a new machine (either because you want to or because someone else has snaffled it) and you won’t be able to decrypt the database.
Oh noes! Final proof that D&D iz da demon worships! Burn da witchez - burn dem - buuuuurrrrnnn dems!!111!!
I am old enough to remember the first time around the d&d is devil worship bouy and had this existed back then there would have been burnings at the stake…
It would have been fun to use the Crowley reading for the book of many things, but that wouldn’t be much fun from a game play mechanic.
In the UK there is a split between England and Wales and Scotland. “southern” UK trespass is a civil offence. Scotland it is criminal.
So in southern UK trespassers will most definitely not be prosecuted (the railway and power plant property are, iirc, the two exceptions because they have by-laws) but may be sued for damages, in Scotland they can be prosecuted.