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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Dude, stop getting defensive. Most people aren’t trying to directly belittle you, they’re offering suggestions. It’s okay to take them at pace, my dude. You are allowed to say “I wasn’t able to pick it up due to some long term complications. Man though, dat price. Woo.”

    Some serious and not serious suggestions: You could call to order and pay over the phone and then request someone bring it out and place it in the trunk. You could put a couple masks on which will filter a decent portion of the smell. Walk backwards into the wind while carrying it. If your daughter is old enough and you trust her, perhaps she could have gotten it.

    There are options. You posted this to point out and complain about the pricing, then get defensive when others point out how to make it cheaper. Most of us are reasonably sure you didn’t apply a coupon, for instance. Did you consider calling and asking if they could wrap the box in plastic wrap to mostly eliminate the smell, and apologize while explaining why? All we got is “Pizza smell too strong. Daughter picky. So pricy.” We get you have an issue and that is shitty though like of course people will offer ways to deal.

    That said, I am sorry you’re going through a difficult time. It’s clear we aren’t aware of everything you’ve had to give up. I hope it gets better.

  • I just fired up Donkey Kong Country recently after lowkey bragging about how I knew all the secrets, despite playing it last years ago. Partner was like, “Aight. Show.”


    And to my surprise I still remember where everything is and breezed past all except one level so far.

    And you all know which fucking level that was.

  • I won’t discount them unless an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game drops and is garbage. 76 has turned around into an actually enjoyable experience, for instance. At the same time I don’t particularly care if a studio pumps out good or bad as there will still be idiots preordering and buying day 1. I am more than happy to wait for the reviews. A good game is a good game, and a bad one, bad. Who develops it makes no real difference apart from an expectation.

    Thaaaat saaaid: Todd, my dude, you do actually need to hurry up. A great entry into the Fallout universe would restore some of the old faith you have caused to fall away.

  • I feel combining this with @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca likely creates a fairly accurate sense for the place.

    India is, well…despite their historical advances in medicine and continued strong cultural fascination with academia, at some point they became nothing but call centers, distribution points, and scam centers. There is certainly more to India, though when I think of hacking, I think of China and Russia. When I think of scams, unfortunately India is top of the list.

  • Worked in retail for awhile. Got promoted to lower rung management. Saw the writing on the wall and positioned myself repeatedly in front of my team and simultaneously out of the way of blame when shit hit. Lost three front end leads in four months, each the most experienced. Didn’t get asked a single question.

    Course I was the one who reassured them that they could do better, asked them why they were still working there when they were clearly unhappy, gave them extra breaks when they felt overwhelmed, and reported dumb shit from corporate when it affected them, even if Upper didn’t want to say anything. Like the hour cuts and hiring freeze, typical of retail.

    My team was the most efficient and well organized. I taught each of them how to handle and de-escalate situations, and what to actually look out for with respect to fraud and scams. They knew they could call me for any issue and tried like hell to handle it themselves. Other team leads came to me rather than go to another manager. This isn’t me being amazing, tbh I felt it was because I followed through on things, not because I was any better than anyone. If you say you’ll do something, keep that word.

    If there is even a single person in a position of leadership reading this I hope you take note. A business cannot run without a strong and enabled team. It might walk, it will not run. We ALL know you can pay more and treat people better, so fucking do it.

  • So, two things:

    1. Did the people who decide age doesn’t matter never experience “old man strength”? If you haven’t, go shake the hand of some gnarly old guy, bonus points if he does his own gardening. When you pry your fingers from that stone-like grip, let us know.

    2. Pointy things don’t need strength, they often only need a target. Also: Grandma’s Boomstick, just saying.

    Look, the point I’m trying to make is that these people are idiots. Even raisin face McPalpatine came back after he skydived through an electric funnel. Lessons people, lessons!

  • We, all of us, from all the places, need to get together and start our own county. I’d bring the liquor, though our friends from Germany may legitimately throw me out a window so I’ll leave that to them.

    In all seriousness, this is a situation where the minority are the loudest. Everywhere. In the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe and all the States within, we all want a better life. Do what those of us in the U.S. haven’t been able to do and organize if you haven’t. Despite the dumbasses over here flinging insults and threats, many of us are also hoping for the best across the old pond.

    This situation with rising fascism is a world problem. It’d be awesome if we could, as a larger community, come together in stalwart support against something, and not just in support of each other.

    Whatever you do just know we’re fighting over here in the U.S. too. Many of us are so sick of being robbed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

    Anyway, this turned into a rant. I apologize.