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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023

  • Peppers are the fruit of the plant. They’re what’s made after the flowers were pollinated and have seeds. They’re also sometimes sweet and not always so spicy.

    Of course, there’s the botanical definition and culinary definition and there’s some overlap. The most famous would be a tomato, which is also a fruit and a vegetable from different points of view.

    What’s mind-blowing to think about is that a pepper is not just a fruit but also technically a berry.

    In cooking, peppers are used as a fruit, a vegetable, and even a spice. (Depending on the pepper variety.) So, anyone classifying it as any of those things is right. 👍

    (Wikipedia mentions all this too.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chili_pepper

  • Yep, ArcMenu (@ https://gitlab.com/arcmenu/ArcMenu which is the maintained one, last updated days ago instead of years ago) has a ton of different layouts which can mimic any version of Windows, and so much more.

    screenshot of ArcMenu layout settings, with the "modern" category expanded

    When using GNOME, use the “Extensions Manager” app (from Flathub) to search for “ArcMenu” and install it, then you can configure it there in the Extensions Manager app as well. In the ArcMenu configuration, go to layouts and select the modern group to see something like the screenshot above. (The previews are generic wireframe sketches; the result will look much more high fidelity.)

  • Doesn’t distrobox (and podman) come with SteamOS these days too?

    You wouldn’t be able to layer, but using distrobox-export from inside a distrobox container would let you export command line apps as well as graphical ones too. The graphical apps will even show up in your menu and can be pinned as well.

    (Of course, if something is available on Flathub already as a Flatpak, installing the app via Discover is easier and better. While Flathub has a lot of apps, it doesn’t have everything, so being able to pick and choose from any distribution using distrobox is nice for a very large selection of software.)

  • Merlin wasn’t available here when I checked at some point in time (last year?)

    whoBIRD does use BirtNET, from Cornell, so it’s basically the same backend (although it may be an older version).

    I recently tried out Merlin (which is now available here) and it’s amazing. It’s definitely more featureful than whoBIRD, although both have the core “recognize bird directly using your phone” features.

    For anyone OK with non-FOSS apps, Merlin is great. For anyone who wants a FOSS app for bird detection, whoBIRD is still pretty good.

    Either way, identifying apps using ones phone is nice. 👍 Big things to Cornell for making the ML for both of these apps.

  • darktable, hands down. It has a learning curve, but it’s a pro app and app pro apps have learning curves.

    The linear pipeline is great, masking is superb, and the app keeps getting better every release.

    The one downside is that darktable is not opinionated by default (so raw files look a little flat to begin with, without doing anything), but it’s customizable that you can even change that with auto applied presets. On the other hand, it does let you do what you want to do with an image, versus fighting with defaults (which is what it’s like to edit something in Lightroom, if you want to diverge from what it suggests by default).

    There are a bunch of great tutorials on YouTube and you’ll want to check out https://discuss.pixls.us/ too. Create an account on the Pixls forum, read some threads, try out some “play raws” (where people post their raw files under a CC license and then lots of people try their own take at editing it and post their edit).

    Rico Resolves has a half hour getting started video for darktable 4.6 at https://youtu.be/ucjAmTMIEOI

    Anything from Bruce Williams https://youtube.com/@audio2u and Boris Hajdukovic https://youtube.com/@s7habo are both great too, and more people are posting darktable videos all the time as well.

    The documentation for darktable is actually very good as well. Do not skip it. You don’t have to read it all, but try reading the intro parts and going back to it when you want some reference on how a part of darktable works. https://docs.darktable.org/usermanual/4.6/en/

    Some tips:

    • You can right click on sliders to get a special UI and you can also enter numbers (often even outside the bounds of what the slider would normally permit).

    • Modules will be applied in the best order regardless of which one you work on first.

    • There are some somewhat redundant modules, as darktable did start out as a “display referred” workflow (just like most all of the other raw editors everywhere) and moved to a “scene referred” (aka “linear rgb”) workflow, which provides better editing, improved color handling, vastly better tone mapping, and so on. If there are two similar modules, try to go with the version that has “RGB” in its title. Older modules still exist mainly for older edits. (You can also change darktable back to the old display referred workflow in the settinfs, but I strongly suggest to not do this. Scene referred is much better.)

    I used to shoot film and do darkroom stuff years ago. I’ve used Aperture on OS X. I used Lightroom on OS X and then on Windows. A few years ago, I switched to darktable on Linux… and darktable has gotten so, so much better each release. When I switched years ago, it was more or less a Lightroom competitor (with some advantages and disadvantages). But darktable is really amazing software now, and can give you much better results than Lightroom, when you know how to use it.

  • garrett@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzBrb
    5 months ago

    I totally agree. whoBIRD is amazing.

    I did use BirdNet for quite some time before whoBIRD was available, but it’s so great to be able to open up the app (whoBIRD) wherever and have it identify the birds we’re hearing without having to wait for a network round trip. The somewhat recent feature of showing bird photos in whoBIRD is nice as well.

    Running the app from time to time has had me notice birds in the area I would’ve otherwise missed.

    Thanks to the app, I saw a long tailed tit for the first time and even managed to get a few photos! (They were mixed in with other bird song, but the app said they were singing in the area too. After a little searching, we found them.)




    It’s definitely an app that would make someone install F-Droid on Android if they haven’t already. (As it’s only available on F-Droid and not Google Play.)


  • Penpot works perfectly on Linux, and you can even host it yourself in your own computer if you want. It’s web-based and works in both Firefox and Chromium browsers. (I think WebKit ones too, but it’s been a little while since I’ve tried it with Epiphany.)

    I use Penpot myself all the time on Linux, but I’m usually using the hosted version so I can collaborate with others without having to maintain a server. I have also run locally in a container using Podman, even with Podman’s rootless support.

    But to start using it, all anyone needs to do is point their browser of choice to https://design.penpot.app/ and sign in. There is no setup process or installation needed; self-hosting is completely optional.

  • Just pointing this out, as there are non-free services that the apps use:

    Frog is awesome, but note that while Frog works offline for OCR, it has TTS (text to speech) which uses an online service. As long as you avoid having it read to you, it’s all done locally.

    And Dialect always uses an online service. Some of the servers are FOSS, but some aren’t. But everything you type or paste into it is sent somewhere else. (This is the case with using translation websites too, of course.) I’m not saying you shouldn’t use it; I’m just saying that you should be aware.

    Hopefully Dialect will add Bergamot (what both Firefox by default & the “translate locally” extension use for translation) at some point. Dialect has a longstanding issue about it, but no forward motion yet. https://github.com/dialect-app/dialect/issues/183

    For something open source that runs completely on your computer for translations, you’d want Speech Note. https://flathub.org/apps/net.mkiol.SpeechNote It’s Qt based, but works well. In addition to translation, it can do text to speech and speech to text too. You do have to download models first (easily available as a click in the app), but everything, including the text you’re working with, is all done locally.

    I use both Frog and Speech Note all the time on my computer (GNOME on Fedora Linux). They’re excellent.

  • Yeah, that’s a big, weird if though. Most modern apps can rely on the runtimes for their dependencies and not have to ship their own custom dependencies.

    It’s different from something like AppImage, where everything is bundled (or Snap, where a lot more needs to be bundled than a typical Flatpak, but not as much as with an AppImage).

    Additionally, there’s always some level of sandboxing in Flatpaks (and Snap packages) and none at all for RPMs, Debs, or AppImages.

    Also, Flatpak dedupicates common files shared across flatpak apps and runtimes, so there isn’t “bloat” like what you’re talking about.
