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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • everywhere they natively lived

    sorry ma’am, your child was one of thirty five killed when we reintroduced wolves to kindercare because they were native here in the 1300s, but their comeback is something to behold, and the survivors have quite a story!

    I kid, but also, reintroduce them to areas where they’re least likely to bump up against population, all the areas they natively lived in the past are, unfortunately, overrun by humans. I live in Washington state, where we’re seeing grey wolves slowly come back. I’m all for it. And here in Seattle, we’ve always had Coyotes living around the town, on the large greenways. Keep your cats inside if you love them!

  • it’s that voice in the back that’s always there, but waits for a quiet moment to suggest crazy shit. I liken it to very very mild, controlled tourette’s - random impulses that shouldn’t even raise to the level of conscious thought but for whatever reason slip through the ‘noise’ filter.

  • They’re actively driving the bus off the cliff.

    Think about every scientist and official at cop28 desperately working to halt a 1.5c red line. Did the public rally around this effort? Did coal rollers stop intentionally injecting uncombusted fuel into their exhausts to pwn the libs? Did the governments of the world including the US stop subsidizing new extraction?

    1.5c is gone; by the time people ‘agree’ it’s fucked and unify to stop pollution at all levels we’re going to be in dire straits.