• bull⚡@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 a lot. It’s my first playthrough, but 3rd time attempting to get into this game… it’s actually sticking this time though and I’m 35% through now. Enjoying it. It’s crazy how many hours I’ve put in and it says I’m only 35% this game is hooooge.

    Anyway the game is absolutely GORGEOUS. Playing on my PC with the graphics almost maxed out and riding around has made me desperately miss America’s parks and mountains. I ache to go back there. I don’t think we have anything in Australia which directly compares to that place, as unpatriotic as that sounds.

    Also I found out that my tablet runs RDR2 fantastically (it’s a stupidly expensive one with it’s own discreet graphics card) so I can actually play it in bed too. It’s not as gorgeous on that as on my 4k monitor with HDR but it still looks and plays great using my PS5 controller.

  • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Any sport in particular I should catch up on from overnight? I need to put something on in the background while I power through some boring monday morning stuff

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      If you have Stan, just pop on one of the big ones. Like “Athletics day 8” or one of the main Olympics shows, and it’ll just show you what is on the stadium. I watched the Athletics Day 8 one last night, to see all the 100m heats. It was really great, because it meant I actually knew a little bit about all the runners in the 100m final and had seen them all run before.

      Note on that Jamaican kid who came second by 0.005 seconds: This event was his international debut, and he ran 9.77 in June. He’s one to really watch. No idea why that US dude was so cocky when he learned he’d won after waiting 30 secs on that photo finish. It was hardly a resounding victory.

      • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        No but I have been watching the overviews on the 9 app Mainly landed on athletics today. The high jump final was pretty awesome…looking forward to the Sport climbing tonight

  • Duenan@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Dropped off the transfer of shares papers to the executor of my grandma’s will today.

    I wanted to mail them off so I didn’t have direct contact with the executor but it wasn’t to be.

    Drove out of my way and got stuck in a one sided conversation I didn’t really want a part of due to the family feud going on between the executor who is my Aunty and half the family which consequently made me get home later as well.

    Hopefully with that out of the way the distribution of the will can go ahead.

    Parts of my family suspect that the Aunty has an unfair share of the will or has been stealing or misappropriating funds related to the will. She dumps all her emotional baggage on me because she considers me the nice one of the family but all I wanted to do was run away from her.

    • wscholermann@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      It’s often the case that when a someone is living, the relatives even though they can’t stand each other keep the peace to some degree .

      Then they die, the estate and the money comes into the picture and that’s when shit starts getting real. That’s when folks start to show their true colours.

      At least you have one executor. Joint executorship gets even uglier and messier.

      • Duenan@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        I haven’t looked at the will in awhile but there was a slight bias to my aunty’s side which has fuelled this fight and I sort of agree that it was slanted in that way too which I thought was unfair as well.

        The problem partly being that she’s the executor as well and also had power of attorney for my grandma.

        Anyway I don’t really want to be her emotional dumping ground, i just want this to be done fairly and split properly without stressing me out in the process as I have my own things to worry about.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Called out of my shift, couldn’t sleep until 4am and only for two hours.

    Gonna make that GP appt today for my eye, it’s just hurting so much worse. Ugh!

    Happy Monday! Lol

    • Baku@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      Oof, I feel this. I got a little more sleep, but only about 4. I was awoken an hour earlier than needed by a fire truck that went right past my window and seemed to linger out the front for a few seconds, and I didn’t sleep 3ish

      I hope your eye is better soon

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Round 2 of using the vegetable and tomato paste. This time with frozen pesto, frozen green veg, and canned springwater tuna mixed with pasta. Another win, definitely added an extra depth of flavour without tasting tomatoey for very little cost and effort. I will say I’m also proud of my little habit of chucking in some cardamom seeds to pasta or other non Indian dishes. It adds a certain je ne sais quoi.

    Pretty good meal for zero prep. Cost about 3.32 a serve minus the homemade pesto, and most of that would’ve been the tuna and Fancy Expensive Pasta

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        Ah, our familiar Force is back after spouting such alien statements this morning… And yes I’m very proud of this concoction. I really do love a quick and dirty pasta meal. Bonus it was sirena 185g on special. Tastes nicer I reckon 😛

  • Force_majeure123@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    There’s someone stood in front of the Magistrate court on William St with a couple of big posters behind him, handing out flyers. He keeps repeating “Judges are motherfuckers” nothing else. At it for over an hour now

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      to be fair, if it was 16 and stabbed a bloke for the 5th time this week I’d probably just get a slap on the wrist. So the guy isnt wrong per say…

  • underwatermagpies@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    My tv has died. I guess I don’t need to watch the gymnastics after all, I’ll read my book. But boo. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
    2 months ago

    TV review. Archer Series 13.

    I loved Archer, the first 2 series made me laugh out so often and many of the following also had their laughs.

    Series 13 is a pale ghost of a show comprising running jokes, boring character repeating one liners they’ve said a hundred times and vulgarity for no reason. A vulgar joke is funny, these aren’t even jokes.

    So sad. 1/2 a whisky, no ice.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Toddler took my phone. I asked for it back, he disappeared for a moment then handed me back the purple ring from his tower toy thing. He looks satisfied with our “trade” and buggers off again, only to leave the phone behind on the floor anyway.

  • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    I’ve had a weirdly positive day… I mean, a little unexpected. Even though I was running late, I made good time. Even though I missed tea break, had a shortened lunch, wasn’t all that hungry and ran out of time (and verbally road raged a little on the way home), I:

    • made it to a Uni appointment
    • had some meaning conversations in intervention deliveries
    • made it to my extra-curricular session on time
    • had some more meaning conversations

    And just all round one of those days where for a moment you feel as if you’ve woken up, are about 95% yourself and things feel somewhat good… like a distant memory.

    I’m even in one my fav burger shops that always empty and there are about 8 or so other people eating in and it feels… nice.

    No guarantees for tomorrow, but I think being grateful for just even the ability to even get out of bed is underrated. ✨

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      I felt the good vibes rubbing off on me from your comment with how wonderful your day was! Savour the feeling, it’s totally ok if tomorrow doesn’t reach today’s heights, because it sounds like you filled your cup plenty with today 😊 (okay I say this because sometimes I feel a bit sad when the next day’s been a comedown from a Good Day. But sometimes it’s easy enough to just enjoy the Good Day for what it is)

      What a bonus that your burger shop was lively tonight as well. The owner must be having a nicer than expected Monday too

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    I finally heard back from the school lady (I’m a bit concerned with how many times I’ve had to follow up), and she fixed the issues with the enrolment paperwork, which I’ve now signed!

    For some classic bureaucracy related reasons, they need a photocopy of a guardians personal identification. Probably going to be a difficult thing to obtain when my guardian is the secretary of DFFH. But as of now, that’s no longer a me problem, that’s something they’ll all have to work out together.


    A non issue though, as I’ve been through this process dozens of times. Usually they just provide a copy of my court order and a stat dec and it’s all g. But it’s worth noting if you ever decide to run an organisation and impose restrictions you can’t possibly foresee anybody not being able to meet, you’ll eventually meet somebody you’ll have to make an exception for 🤷‍♂️

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      Enrolment bonanza day! Mine got processed today, after running around realising I had the wrong email address, then the process had changed from last year and a bunch of manual stuff was required… I’m in nowhere near the same situation as you but somehow throughout all my schooling years I’ve ended up needing all sorts of exemptions and it’s taught me a lot about patience when dealing with bureaucracy.

      I’m glad the wheels are turning in your favour!

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        Oh, that’s great news. Congrats KJ!

        In a way, I’m kind of glad for some of the bureaucracy I’ve had to deal with. It would be a lot more difficult to navigate the byzantine systems every organisation even remotely involved with the government seems to be obsessed with if I didn’t have years of experience already!

        (New resumé skill? 👀)

        • just_kitten@aussie.zone
          2 months ago

          In all seriousness, that is a resume skill! (Process oriented, attention to detail, familiarity with complex multi-stakeholder systems etc)

          I currently have jobs that are very heavy on bureaucracy (one in the org itself, the other due to client requirements) and being used to working with it and learning how they think has been a real boon. It makes some parts of the job a lot less stressful than they would be otherwise and also makes me more likely to pick up stuff that others won’t