As investment, I bought this, instead of stocks. Any ideas on what to do with it?
- 75km (1hr) to a big international airport. Airport has direct flights to most EU capitals (2-4hr flights)
- 50km to city center
- 25km from nearest large residential area (500,000+ population)
- 5km from massive organized industrial area (government supports factories here)
- 35km from a rich residential area
- 1km away from the village (its old and mostly depopulated) and animal husbandry area
- There is public transportation, but one has to walk 1.5km after leaving the bus.
- There is no direct road access to the land. You have to walk like 200m after leaving your car.
- 1km road to here is non-asphalt and its a bit bumpy ride. When it rains, it gets bad here. It rains rarely
It is quite peaceful and quiet there. You can hear interesting bird sounds sometimes. You see no buildings, no cars and no humans anywhere near you when you’re there, which feels great imo. You notice the air quality after you leave your car. I personally absolutely would want to live here for a while
- Trying to clarify this rn, but I think I can make $120-160/yr/decare from leasing the land to a farmer. Land is 25 decares
- “Unique co-living opportunity with vegan food & yoga sessions” In other words, remote work / digital nomad village for people who want to work REALLY remotely :) I’d have to arrange electricity (solar panels and powerbanks), internet, toilet, shower, water, tents, mattresses/pillows/sheets, food, drinking water. (Though I don’t know what people will do when they’re bored here? Any ideas? Meditation would get boring after some point)
- Sadly location isn’t touristic, but it is 1hr flight away from extremely touristic areas. One of those areas, a city, was the most visited city in the world a few years ago.
- I’ve met a few volunteers and they seemed quite willing to volunteer for whatever I decide to do here (if I do anything). For those unfamiliar: WWOOF and Workaway
Also- Any suggestions on where I should ask this question on the internet?
There are many people who want food grown in natural environments and where the animals are taken care of. A bit like Clarksons Farm on tv.
Any zoning issues? May be worth splitting it up, lease some for farming for now, set up a couple of acres for a small utility/living area so you can visit and stay for short periods or permanently so you can get a sense of actually being there… Seasons, smells, sounds, wildlife, infrastructure like roads will all impact what the experience or opportunities actually are and often bday depending on the time of year.
In the short term, leasing to a farmer isn’t a bad idea. It looks like a lot of your tentative plans will take time and money, so a short term land rental might be a good idea.
Create a startup in reasearch and development of fully autonomous robotic electrical helicopters with swappable batteries and shiny plush seats for the passengers etc.pp. Collect huge venture capital for it.
Don’t forget to brag about your $1 salary!
Go broke after 3 years with a shrug.
Rent that land for some nice money to your startup as a test airfield.
Plant some dang trees for starters, unless it’s only going to be land used for farming.
I vote for the dang trees. I like trees.
Ain’t nobody speaking for them dang trees so lend a hand and give em a voice.
Even then, dynamic agroforestry would be nice.
At least a wind block on the edges
Orchard farming, just add more tree
For now? Lease as much of that land as you can. Cover crop the rest. You do not want bare, tilled soil sitting there for a year+ as you figure out bigger plans.
Lease as much of that land as you can.
Careful. The Lemmy mob is watching 👀
Ha. Anyone who’s farmed knows that ag leases are such a different scenario and very negotiable, especially if you are working with someone who wants to see the land in production or help young farmers etc. I WISH there had been more willing landlords when I was farming, it took me two years to find a place at all. Lemmings can hate once they’ve negotiated their own ag lease 👀 👩🏻🌾
Mmmmm local grown food and a landlord!? 🍽️ 🍽️ 🍽️
Plant something ASAP on that naked land or it will all be carried away by rain and wind.
Looks like someone was farming it before, OP should contact them first since they will know about the potential and problems. Maybe make a percentage-of-profits deal rather than a lease. The timing is good for a crop, if they move quickly.
Or rewild it with native plants. Maybe some young trees on the windward edge, and seeds for a meadow
Plant whatever everybody around this area is planting and ASAP. He can think about what to do next year, but not this one.
How close are you to high voltage transmission lines? This might be good for an commercial sized solar farm.
There’s a solar farm 1km away. I heard here it would require like $1m of investment and it pays for itself in 7 years but that’s above my pay grade AFAIK
I mean…
So do 1/10th of that. 100k pays for itself in 7 years? Still have 9/10 of your land to play with.
Just a thought. turnkey operations are geist for land ownership.
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YMMV. We’ve got a local solar farm & the operation has gone belly-up, changed hands twice. It’s got to be on its third investor/owner. Also depends on the quality of your build & your local weather; that solar field isn’t even fully operational yet. Got hit by a massive hail storm maybe almost 2 years ago, it had to have smashed a couple hundred solar panels.
If you’re interested in it, I’d be very careful. Insure everything. Ask everybody, people in the industry if possible.
There’s no natural disasters here but I’d have to have political connections and be rich if I wanted to do something like this without getting hurt in this country. I rather have less to lose and do something more modest
But out of curiosity, how would the investment numbers look like? They invest 1m on land and get 60% of the returns and I get 40% for the next 20 yeas for example?
I have no idea personally, I’m just telling you what I observe. And from what I’ve observed, it’s not this stupidly simple operation that anyone can do & it’s “basically a money printing machine”, as others on here are telling you.
If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense. As a general rule. That solar farm has gone under & sold ownership twice in idk 7-8 years.
I am pro-solar panel, and I was anti-wind turbine because the old fiberglass blade turbines filled with oil were dumb. But as I understand that technology, too, is improving & idk we’ll have to see how the new ones perform. Seems to me doing these things on a more commercial scale where you’re selling it to the grid can get a little fucky. There are reasons why it’s slowly taking off. There are reasons why people build, then sell, then the buyers sell. It’s probably a tricky endeavor with its own challenges.
Sounds like it’d be relatively easy to get a loan or investor with that kind of ROI. Seven years is nothing if it’s consistent and safe.
Is there a reason you’d have to go all-in, rather than starting with just a couple dozen panels first?
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You could get a smaller amount of panels at first, and later expand your solar farm. But I don’t know if that would keep the costs low enough to be manageable for you, as solar panels aren’t even the most expensive part of a solar farm. The biggest upfront investment would probably be all the electrical gear, e.g. the inverter, etc.
You could try getting a loan. Demand for renewable electricity is pretty high after all, banks might be willing to invest in something like this.
No answer here, just wanted to say you inadvertently wrote one of the most interesting geolocation challenges I’ve seen.
Are you interested in helping with this challenge? :D
I might try finding it later but still no idea what to do with the field, sorry :p
Looks like Türkiye to me.
You bought a bunch of land with no plan for it??
It looks like it’s been farmed recently. I don’t know what the growing season there is, you might be too late to start this year, but if you can lease it to a farmer for this season that at least has the land be productive while you figure out your longer-term plan. That way you can put plans in place to start work when the growing season is finished.
You bought a bunch of land with no plan for it??
It is common in this country to invest in land. It would have been better to invest in US tech stocks but I was young and not well informed
Any thoughts on figuring out longer-term plan?
Actually, you might have dodged a bullet with those tech stocks.
Sell 1x1 foot squares of it in a vending machine at a random gas station in the middle of nowhere.
I would totally buy a gapcha token for one 1x1^2ft of inaccessible land from a vending machine.
Did you ever see the movie Holes (2003)?
Are you suggesting they might have a no good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather?
If I had this land, I’d grow food.
As in subsistence farming or trying to bring food to market? If the former, it will be a hard path, but possible.
OP is not in the USA
If the latter, have you seen what is happening in the current food markets? For produce (quick spoilage) other nations are rejecting our produce either because of tariffs or because of retaliatory tariffs. For commodity grains like corn and soybeans, previous giant consumers like USAID, USDA, and other agencies are being cut or destroyed entirely meaning there will be a glut of production on the market for some time. Couple that with visa restrictions/deportations, the price of labor will increase substantially. Food prices are going to crater for a time because of this, and some farmers will go out of business. Those that survive will increase prices to cover all of the new expenses, but they won’t be earning more profit from their work.OP seems to be in Europe, so I’m not sure how much of your second point applies.
You’re right. I didn’t pick up on that. Thanks for that correction.
Does that apply in Europe? OP says most European capitals have direct flights, that take 2-4 hours, so that probably puts this somewhere in Europe.
With all the rage about digital detox trips you could probably get people to grow food for you while paying you for the opportunity, if the marketing is done right.
Holiday in Cambodia but unironically. Loves me some chorin’
It’s a hard life picking stones and pulling teats, but as sure as God’s got sandals it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails.
get people to [ …do XY]
Doesn’t work unless they can drive right into it with their small cars.
Of course it does. The guided meditative walk is essential as every step helps you leave the toxicity of digital life behind and prepares you to open yourself up to the present.
Hey wanna be my marketer? :D
You wouldn’t want that and I wouldn’t want that. Trust me. :D
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MMM, field lobsters
Sex shack
I’d go to jail probably
That’s why you get your cult followers to give you all their money, so you can afford lawyers, they can’t, and the other followers can be readily coerced into placing social pressure on any dissent. This is about YOU, the work is about YOU, everything is about YOU and it always has been.
Who or what are you planning on having sex with?
What happens on the farm, stays on the farm 🫡
Tell you what not to do. I did the same and built an Rv park. Well so far that been a bust. They only work where they’re lots of people. Also farming is an idea but only for your personal use. Farming for profit is a no win game. Depending on where this is located will decide what you can do with it. Also zoning.
Does leasing the land pay enough to make it worthwhile? Gives you time to think.
If it’s fertile land you should probably use it, or lease it, to grow food.
Farming is not easy. Until you learnt to be good at it you’ll put in a lot of hours into making not much money after costs have been paid.