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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yeah it has, I just ended my therapy after about 2 years of in person weekly sessions. Combined with antidepressants at my lowest it formed an important part of me overcoming my depression. I had a lot of guilt about inflicting my depression on those around me so having an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that wasn’t connected to the rest of my life was very valuable.

    Its made me more resilient in terms of handling my anxieties - I can now deal with thoughts and situations that would have spiralled me into a deep depression before and can recognise and derail oncoming panic attacks before they happen.

    It also made me realise how I was feeling guilty when perceived people close to me to be suffering emotionally (both real but often imagined) out of a desire to fix everything, even when they didn’t ask or need me too, which was very unhealthy for me. Learning to stop that has decreased my stress significantly.

    I recognise that some people really don’t find therapy helpful, but I’d definitely recommend trying it with a few different therapists first before giving up. So much of it is down to your individual rapport with your therapist. There’s also other options like group therapy, which I’ve also found helpful for coming to realizations about myself but less good for working through my issues.

  • I’m similar, except I collect rpg books and I’m 30. I haven’t sat down read a paper book properly in years, I just don’t have the attention span (thanks undiagnosed ADD). But I keep collecting because it brings me joy to do so and I enjoy the thrill of the chase going through second hand bookshops looking for deals.

    These sort of hobbies are also great for bringing together like minded people, like you and your friend, so there are additional social benefits to them too if you’re looking for that. This is something Ive come to really come to appreciate more as I’ve aged and fallen out of contact with school friends and it gets harder to meet new people outside of your social circle.

    Sorry for the ramble but I guess my main point is to ask yourself whether it brings you joy to continue collecting or not and if it doesn’t maybe to hold off for a few months and check back in with yourself then as you may feel different.