My Culture is not your prom dress 2: electric boogaloo.
As a chinese, you’re welcome to do so. It’s Lunar new year, there’s nothing special or specific about it. Pop a beer, play firework, or whatever. Make up your culture for celebrate the new year, that’s how culture is born! There’s not even a standard for it in China, different region have different way to celebrate. And each household even have their own way to celebrate! How is any of this gatekeeping make sense i don’t know.
It’s so sad to see a melting pot now call for separation.
For you I had a cigar and sipped some bourbon. In great hopes of a fine new year for us both!
this is the way
I’ve got some coffee and a joint… how am I doing?
It’s not sad, and it isn’t a melting pot calling for separation.
It’s some dumb a****** who was corrected by some a****** with a broadened perspective.
We’re on the Internet, it’s ok to swear.
These people want to show, so hard, that they care but in the end they don’t realize they are practically pushing for segregation.
This is what happens most of the time when people scream cultural appropriation. The problem is that people without understanding of the terms use the terms every day. This leads to scenarios like the one above, or where someone is getting offended you’re enjoying a cultural food, or listening to a specific kind of music. Appreciating other cultures isn’t appropriation.
Exactly, appropriating means to take and pretend you invented it or created it. Interacting with culture or enjoying other people’s culture isn’t harmful and if these people actually went to other countries they’d realize their people WANT to share their culture.
Yeah I agree that there is a TAKE vs a SHARE.
Some of the reason cultural appropriation is a bad thing is due to capitalism. Taking something, even symbolically, for profit, is different than learning, experiencing and sharing.
These people are racists. That’s it.
Hundred. Percent. It’s astounding, I am astounded at the number of messages I have received as a result of this post exactly mirroring the less desired sentiment you’ve described.
But it’s cool, they can go f*** themselves, there’s like 2 billion people wholesomely celebrating this holiday in defiance of bigotry, so it’s not a real problem.
That’s why I laugh at anyone who unironically says “Cultural Appropiation”
I wonder if they realize that if cultures didn’t borrow from other cultures we wouldn’t have anime or instant ramen.
Or colleges, paper, math, the entire judicial system, and fireworks.
plus imagining thinking that, as a white person, you have the ability to decide who gets to celebrate what, while speaking over Asian people. like that was a bigotry 360°; you went right around to being racist again lmao
Wat? This is so stupid it actually causes me physical pain. That’s like telling anyone who’s not a Christian they can’t celebrate Christmas. 🙄
I think this should be reinforced. If your name isn’t Christian then you can’t celebrate Christmas :(
I think if your name is Jesus you get to celebrate it
Or anyone who is, considering it’s not a Christian holiday by origin
Gatekeeping is a special form of being special
Nah, as a cracker ass American I think I will celebrate Lunar New Year and immerse myself in the lore and customs of people I share this plant with because history rocks my fucking socks.
Fuck yeah I love this plant
“friendly reminder that if you’re white, you’d better be uptight to the point of constipation at all times, except for moments of stress-induced diarrhea”
Friendly reminder that nearly everyone on Twitter are fuckheads.
Friendly reminder that nearly everyone on
Twitterthe Internet are fuckheads.Friendly reminder that nearly everyone on
Twitter the Internetthe planet are fuckheads.wait wait wait, but I’m on the internet! :o
I’m Jewish. I invite you all to celebrate any Jewish holiday. But they’re all stupid religious bullshit other than the food part, so I wouldn’t bother.
The food is the best part of any holiday, to be fair.
I agree. Unfortunately, with Jewish holidays, you have to sit through what feels like about 10 hours of prayers in Hebrew before you get to the food.
Which especially sucks when you’re a hungry kid who doesn’t understand Hebrew.
Judaism is a closed religion, lighting candles for Hanukkah is one thing and that’s cool if you want to partake in some fun. Saying prayers over those candles is markedly different and definitely appropriation.
I wouldn’t call it appropriation. Appropriation would be claiming those weren’t Jewish prayers or a menorah, they were Christian (or whatever).
A non-Jew saying Hebrew prayers doesn’t offend me. My non-Jewish wife has done it before because she got a masters in folklore and wanted to take part. She didn’t claim it as her own, she just took part in the ceremony. And plenty of non-Jewish spouses of Jews have done the same thing.
Honestly, if you’re curious and you want to take part in Jewish ceremonies, go for it. Judaism is not as closed as you think. If it was, you wouldn’t have famous converts like Sammy Davis, Jr. and Isla Fisher (and Ivanka Trump, unfortunately). It’s not a simple process like turning around three times and saying “I’m a Jew!” but it’s not exactly a ridiculous challenge either.
A non Jew saying Jewish prayers is absolutely appropriation. There’s a rather clear line of thinking surrounding this in the greater Jewish community especially amongst the rabbinical crowd, and the Messianics are a rather large part of it.
Rabbis aren’t popes. They don’t get to decide what is or is not offensive to Jews in general. Sure, very religious Jews might have a problem with it. And I could not care less what they think. Especially when they’re the minority in the U.S.
62% of self-described American Jews say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while just 15% say it is mainly a matter of religion. Even among Jews by religion, 55% say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while 66% say it is not necessary to believe in God to be Jewish.[3]
Do you honestly think most Jews would have a big problem with my wife saying a blessing over the menorah when most of them don’t even think you have to believe in a god? I guarantee you more Jews were offended by Bradley Cooper playing Leonard Bernstein with a prosthetic nose than they would be over a non-Jew saying a Hebrew prayer.
Rabbi’s aren’t Pope’s and they’re born to argue so when the vast majority of them clearly state that a non Jew saying Jewish prayers is contrary to the principles of the religion then I’m going to accept that as a religious decree.
So yea your non jewish wife saying the bracha is a problem. You’re welcome to practice as you see fit, no one’s going to pull your Jew card over it but that doesn’t make it halacha/Kosher/ cool or any other version of acceptable.
Why do Rabbis get to declare what is cultural appropriation when only 15% of American Jews say Judaism is about religion?
It sounds like you are offended by it. I would love some evidence that the general Jewish population agrees with you.
Why do the people who devote their lives to studying the scriptures of the religion get to be the ones who decide what’s acceptable within the religion and what’s not?
Because they’re literally the subject matter experts. It’s also pretty damn clear in the tanach too. In order to perform the mitzvah you need to be Jewish.
I’m not offended by how you choose to practice your religion, I’m pointing out that what you’re doing is absolutely cultural appropriation and off sides with the understood practice of the religion as a whole. You’re the one who seems to be offended by being called out on this, and that’s for you to come to grips with not me.
I recall when I was first informed about “cultural appropriation” and how it boiled down to the concept that if a white person enjoys any aspect of a non-white culture it was an act of racism. Gotta love the gravity well of ultra liberal bullshit warping back in on itself and becoming fascism.
That’s a bullshit explanation of cultural appropriation and the person you heard it from is an idiot. Actual cultural appropriation is when you take something from another culture and either erase or overwrite its origin, so the original culture in its original form becomes forgotten.
For example, when white artists re-recorded songs from black artists and specifically removed them from the credits and claimed them as their own, that was cultural appropriation. When movie studios chopped up Indian culture and presented it in a completely distorted and inaccurate light, so much so that the original meanings were lost, that was cultural appropriation.
Simply being a participant in someone else’s cultural celebration is not cultural appropriation.
Considering I’ve seen a lot of gatekeeping morons go on about cultural appropriation without ever mentioning that, I think most don’t understand this crucial distinction.
If you form your understanding on topics you don’t understand based on what “gatekeeping morons” think or do, you are going to be perpetually misinformed
It’s not any form of liberalism. The troll depicted in the original post, is building a strawman. A ridiculous opinion nobidy believes. The goal is simple to delegitimise the whole idea of cultural appropriation. To basically say, Disney did nothing wrong taking children’s public domain folklore and locking it behind an intellectual property paywall for 100 years.
That’s the real goal here. As usual the powerful taking away from the weak and saying they’re not allowed to complain.
You are ultimately right, this is fasch behaviour. This is fasch wearing fake liberal faceskin.
Sorry to inform you, but I know people like this, and they’re not building strawmen or false flags. They sincerely think they’re helping, when all they’re doing is creating strife and division.
I think it’s malicious and they know what they’re doing. They don’t like the idea so they push it to the ridiculous extreme. Or, they’re another form of malicious, the busybody intruder who wants to tell others how to live and pretending this is about the “victim” are simply using those “victims” as to justify their aggression.
Even though you’re totally wrong with your definitions and facts, I do like your writing and appreciate your poetic license.
This isn’t fascism, this is social conscience.
A lot less severe than what you pretend fascism is.
TBH though I do find the term used to gatekeep far more than I see it used to promote respect. Most cultural arts and traditions formed from bringing a few items/ideas from other cultures back to their own and overtime they incorporated it into their own. Shit like wearing a cultures clothing item that requires significant cultural acts to obtain in said culture when you are not a patt of it, theres nuance and issues of cultural respect to talk about there. But “cultural appropriation” as a term doesnt really get used that often with that level of nuance
I mostly disagree, every time I visited a country and wore the cultural dress, the local culture has been very supportive and appreciative, and I’ve been able to enter into more interesting conversations because I’m willing to engage in their culture on a more visceral level.
I understand cultural sensitivity, but I have yet to encounter a culture that does not want to be recognized, particularly for their notable and impressive achievements.
Or if their clothing looks f****** cool, like in Morocco or Japan. China. Or the states. Or Vietnam. Or Germany(goofy but still fun). Malaysia.
Everywhere. Everywhere I have talked to people, they appreciate the appreciation of their culture.
Thats… kinda what I’m talking about? Cultural appropriation is most often used in a context of why you SHOULDNT engage in things you like about another culture
You’re condemning the appreciation of another culture, which every culture will tell you is welcome and appreciated.
So it is kind of what you’re talking about, except you’re missing the main point.
IM not condemning the appreciation of other cultures. I’m saying the concept of Cultural Appropriation leads to the thought process of the woman who’s tweet started this thread more than it leads to how to be better respectful in how you appreciate things. A person wouldnt “appopriate” anything unless something about it found interest in them. Just general lessons in respect in general are far more useful
Idk wtf “a person wouldn’t appropriate anything unless something about it found interest in them” means, so I’m going to just assume that your heart is in the right place.
Happy New Year
I invite everyone here to Pancake Day on Tuesday :)
she says while wearing clothes made in said countries typing the message on a device also made overseas.
How pathetic do you have to be to gatekeep a celebration?
More importantly: a celebration that you can get to by just looking at the bloody sky.
I do think it’s important that people know what it is they’re celebrating, but yeah like my local Chinese community always does a lunar new year celebration that is open to everyone. I think a lot of Chinese people (and other communities that celebrate the lunar new year, like Okinawan Korean Vietnamese and many others) see open celebration as creating more appreciation for and understanding of their culture.
Crazy, what an entirely reasonable thing to think.
Yeah, get out of here with that; this is the Internet.
Self-identification is such a bizzare polarized issue. On one side, you have sexual self-identification being embraced by the same people who bemoan cultural self-identification. I don’t understand this cognitive dissonance. Alas.
Nothing friendly about gatekeeping, it’s just a patronizing way to be a giant fucking bitch no one wants to be around.
Happy city lunar new Year!!
I no joke found a restaurant named city wok in China.
It was a weird moment.