Fun fact, the two leads were drunk most of that movie because, well, because they were the two leads in that movie.
The directors, yes two of them, were horrible to work with according to pretty much everyone that worked on it.
Spare a thought for the animatronic Yoshi who remained stone cold sober for the entire shoot.
That thing was so cool, and disappointing, at the same time. We didn’t care though, we were kids. It was awesome.
I like to imagine Bob Hoskins was a fun drunk
I picture him as a fun cross between Capt Hook and Eddie (from Roger Rabbit) when drunk. Im down for it.
Except he was Shmee!
I wonder if he was still dabbling in water colors.
I’d sincerely like to think so; between Mario Bros., Hook and Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Bob Hoskins is a foundational part of my childhood…
To be fair to Morton and Jankel, they had never directed a big budget feature film before. All of their experience was in TV
It wasn’t until 2024 that the world understood how perfect it was to cast John Leguizamo as Luigi.
He’s always been a pest to society…
I finally got around to watching that after the missus kept referring to him as the pest guy.
As soon as well started the movie she just went “you’re going to hate it”
She was not wrong. How the man continued to have a career after that is anyone’s guess.
Watch his one man shows from the 1990s. He’s insanely talented.
I never liked him much, but he guest-hosted the Daily Show not too long ago and he was amazing. Maybe political satire was his true calling and he just never realized it.
Watch his one man shows like Spaz. He’s incredibly talented.
The OG Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter movies are dope. I don’t care what anyone else says.
I don’t think I’ve seen the Street Fighter movie, but Mortal Kombat rocks.
I love coming across this shortly after using this meme on Lemmy. Enjoy lol
Street Fighter is far superior.
Everything about it is terrible, but it’s saved by Raul Julia in the same way that Tim Curry saves the Three Musketeers and Alan Rickman saves Robin Hood.
A classically trained actor treating the whole thing like a pantomime. It’s glorious.
Raul Julia is SO GOOD in it. Campy as hell.
Raul Julia was a legend… I firmly believe that, at least later in his career, the dude would do whatever shlocky film he could for a paycheck, so he could spend the rest of the time doing theater for fun. And he’s often the best part of those movies.
Traci Lords remix if the movie theme is great if you never heard it and like EDM.
Note if you do not know who Traci Lords is please make sure you include “Mortal Kombat soundtrack” in any search for it as she famously did porn before turning 18
Test your might!
Gotta love techno syndrome on the Simpsons as well haha
The first MK movie was the archetypal “It’s good… for a video game adaptation” movie for a long time. Luckily now we have great adaptations (not necessarily movies though) to point to that stand on their own merits.
But yeah, there’s always a part of me that will have fond memories of MK and the JCVD Street Fighter movie. Hell, add Double Dragon to that list.
Hell, add Double Dragon to that list.
I gotta watch it…I just remember panicked guys shoving trash into a van to fuel it during a car chase or something. It looked radical lmao.
M. Bison’s famous “It was Tuesday” line in Street Fighter (1994) is frequently misread by viewers as a statement of apathy. Instead, he is telling Chun Li that the day her father died was so important to him that he can instantly recall what day of the week it happened on.
Disney’s The Black Cauldron. Apparently it was so bad it like…almost killed off Disney animation for good? But I loved that shit as a kid. No idea why we had it, either. I was born almost a decade after it came out. Eilonwy deserves her place with the Disney Princesses, damn it!
Wait, that movie bombed?? I really enjoyed that one as a kid! I even rewatched it as an adult and still enjoyed it!
Granted it had more of a “gritty” feel comparatively, but still excellent IMO
I saw that in I think Carnegie Hall with an orchestra doing the music when it got released. The kids such as myself liked it but the parents were silent.
I watched a YouTube video a while back about that movie’s production. It was originally going to be a franchise iirc.
It’s part of a book series
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2.
Go ninja go ninja go…
The Last Dragon. It’s a blacksploitation movie that was trying to mirror popular kung fu movies, but “in the ghetto”.
It’s cringe. The fight scenes are meh. The plot is… something to do with a kidnapping maybe?
It has some cool glowy bits. 10/10.
Who is the master!?
I am…
lmao reads like Big Trouble in Little China … just take out only the ‘black’ part keep the ‘sploitation’
I love that movie
idk if it was terrible because I haven’t watched it in over 20 years… but that’d be Space Jam for me. Watched it so often, the VHS gave out and we had to buy it a second time.
🎵I believe I can fly🎵
Space jam holds up fine. I was an adult when it first came out I got to watch it recently with the kids.
It’s not like I’d pay to go watch it in the theater but if it was on, I wouldn’t turn it off.
Hook my beloved. I understand objectively why it is not a good movie, but having watched it 852 times throughout my childhood, I could not find fault with it on a recent rewatch.
edit: I watched that movie so early and so often, that I can recite whole scenes not by word, but by phonemes and cadence, because my language skills weren’t fully developed at the time.
…why is it not a good movie?
It’s a terrible story that makes littke sense. I was in high school when it came out and people my agewere surprised it became a classic as it was received poorly.
IDK, I think it’s a great story that makes a lot of sense
Does anything make any sense? I mean, let’s be real here…
Don’t try to stop me this time, Smee… Smee?
I understand objectively why it is not a good movie
You fucking what, mate?
I haven’t seen this since my childhood, so I still assume it’s a fantastic movie.
Willow 1988 my first taste of fantasy
Airborne 1993 put me in a rollarblading phase
Tremors 1990 all three are good fun
Willow and Tremors are S-tier
You seem like a man of culture.
Does anyone else remember The Pagemaster?
I had a vague recollection of a fantasy movie about libraries and a them traveling to a “book world” sort of. I would prolly get pretty immense nostalgia from watching that. Or I’ll ruin the memories I have. Perhaps better not?
Hell yeah pagemaster.
Also that one movie with a cubby that brings toys to life. Kid brought an native american to life and his friend brought a cowboy to life… The Indian in the Cupboard
The Indian in the Cupboard is a great kids boook too
I didn’t know I had that memory.
Ah, thanks for unlocking some more nostalgia.
That was one sassy Indian guy if I recall correctly.
Yeah the native american carried that movie.
He did yeah. I hope you weren’t judging me for my use of “Indian”. No offense meant if it was accidentally given.
I’m not gonna comment on it more but there is a nice 40 second clip from Slavoj Zizek on him telling a story about talking about the nomenclature with a native American.
Not judging. I myself wrote Indian first and went back to fix it. Twice.
Funny I was just discussing this movie nostalgically with my wife and we had an interesting realization:
The Night at the Museum movies were a fantastic improvement on the concept. :D
Hell yes. Pagemaster is top tier nostalgia. Loved it.
At grandma’s, raining outside, fire in the living room, small-ish CRT tv with a VCR, granny on a rocker with the cat in her lap. Sitting on the floor.
Nostalgia used to be fatal, better take care to avoid too much of it.
I love all the Tremors movies
I don’t know how They Live ended up having two professional wrestlers giving us the worst fight scene since Kirk took on a Gorn.
But at least we got some badass one liners.
I hope you’re not referring to this fight between Keith David and Roddy Piper. First, Keith David’s never been a wrestler, and second, it’s a hilariously awkward, unnecessary, and drawn out fight that deserves love, not scorn.
Was there some other fight with a pro wrestler in the movie that I forgot about? It’s been a while since I saw it and didn’t see any wrestlers I recognized in the main cast.
That’s a brilliant fight. You can think of it more as a very concise second act rather than a hilariously drawn-out fight scene.
Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick
Pitch Black is pretty alright, it isnt great, but it is far from terrible. The rest of the films have a pretty strong downward trend though.
SpyKids trilogy, and Shark boy and Lava girl rule still rules.
“Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he’s created?”
…Is that a quote from Spy Kids?
Spy kids 2 IIRC
Machete in sky kids is awesome. Glad they casted him.
Oh there are so, so many awful movies that I loved as a kid that I have a positive memory of but would be better off not watching again to ruin that memory.
Legend would have to be one of them. It’s still a spectacle to watch, and Tim Curry is incredible as Darkness, Robert Picardo is Meg Mucklebones, but it’s so far over the top it’s a fever dream.
Cave Man with Ringo Star, Shelly Long, and Dennis Quaid. Laughed so hard I cried when I was a kid. Watched it again not too long ago and it’s pretty bad.
Whoopee Boys, same as Cave Man. Cannot rewatch.
Buckaroo Banzai, Revenge of the Nerds, so many other bad movies I loved as a kid. Most of the cheap action films too. Schwarzenegger’s, Stallone’s, Van Damme’s…so bad, lol. There were some absolutely great ones, though…the original Predator (‘87) comes to mind.
That film is well beyond bad, it’s so, so bad it’s actually amazing. I try to get as drunk as the actors when i rewatch it every other year or so
I’ve not had a chance to experience this infamous Mario Bros movie. Hope I can find some time to sit down and really immerse myself.
Also, can I interest anyone in the masterworks of Neil Breen?
The Breen is something you need the moral support of others to watch. I traumatised a colleague by making him and another friend watch Twisted Pair with me. I watched two Breens alone after that, since the other two refused to watch any more with me, and it was painful.
“I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not. I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not seeing another psychiatrist. I’m not.”
(Is that lines from a Breen film, or my reaction after watching a Breen film?)
They maintain the Breen is a troll, but I think he’s got delusions of grandeur and really thinks he’s making these deep masterpieces.