My first thought is always “Must be Nicole the Fediverse chick again” 😂
I just got her message this morning! 😂
Find hot Nicoles in your local Fediverse!
Most of the time I know exactly what I’m getting if I see more than maybe 3+ comments. Usually it’s me saying something anti-communist, something on brand enough for me.
Is it normal for people to regret what they said on here? Because I tend not to change my mind from downvotes and dumb responses. I do block people though
I don’t want to deal with arguing especially since half the responses clearly only read the first sentence of my comment. I don’t have the energy for it. So I’m on an instance with downvotes disabled and rarely check my inbox.
If people like my contribution they can upvote, if they don’t like it they can downvote or argue back, but I don’t have the energy to give to that, so I probably won’t see it.
I I do actually second thought what I said. As I can be as wrong as any. And if I’m wrong I’m ought to change my mind.
My only regrets are having to read stupid responses that completely missed the point of what I said because they want to argue with what they think I said.
Occasionally I learn something new from responses, which changes my perspective.
I agree - A lot of people seem so prepared for someone to disagree with them that they seem to misfire on people they agree with. I try to avoid this by starting my comments with “I agree” 😊 … though even then some people still get confused 🫠
What are you talking about? You’re way off base, and completely unreasonable. It’s so typical of you people that I have a generalized baseless belief of. What about this other person that has nothing to do with this? Do you agree with them, too? I bet you also hate soldiers defending our country, and probably kittens too.
the best is when the response is about the first or last sentence of what I wrote and their response is addressed in the rest of it.
Downvotes sometimes make me want to clarify what I wrote on the assumption that it got misinterpreted.
Has that ever worked for you?
I do it a lot and can’t think of a single time it worked.
Occasionally. Other times it makes people angrier
Hell yeah
I’ve seen a number of comments with a visible edit that have an even split between down and up votes. I can only assume the edit worked. Not like votes mean anything on Lemmy. It’s kinda nice not having the overall “karma” visible at all times.
Looking through some of my controversial comments, it seems like it worked maybe 1/3 - 1/2 of the time?
My thought was more “which of the things I wrote triggered such a reaction?” I’m often surprised.
I mean well, and I want to have hope for the future, but I’m depressed and have untreated ADHD and a desperate need for therapy, and I do worry that I’m letting all that influence how I talk to strangers online.
I’m probably too harsh sometimes, or not harsh enough, or dumb, or stupid, etc, more often than I’d like.
So yeah, I generally regret or worry over everything I say to everyone at some point or another. I suck xD But I’m too lonely to switch off and not talk to anyone entirely, so here we are.
My own experience with this was posting a shower thoughts thread while quite inebriated, forgetting I’d done it then waking up with a fairly full inbox so nothing controversial or argumentative.
My experience is that I reply to a lot of things, and post very few, and in no case do I have even a vague notion about how many comments what I write will generate. I can guess the vector magnitude of up/down votes, but never the amount of interaction, where people take time to reply.
I’ve admitted I was wrong a few times, but never from downvotes or dumb responses. You gotta cite good sources to get a reversal out of me.
Absolutely, it is only human to make mistakes. Of course there are time where someone gives a stupid reply but there are also times where that is not the case. If it were the assumption would be that I am right about everything, which is asinine
Often followed by, “I said that?”
Then you read your original comment and, no, you didn’t say that; someone’s just trying to gaslight you or they’re straw manning.
Or they keep explaining what you already said because they don’t understand nuance or context.
Or your take is just fucking bad and your ego won’t let you admit it, one of the two.
Speak for yourself.
I did. I’m always right, we’re talking about you and your bad takes (the ones I don’t agree with)
If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like “Steam sucks”, or ask anything about “Hexbear”. If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
Clearly the best distro is Windows 10!
Got me.
[Insert angry rant about Windows]
Steam does suck though? It’s hard to use, and most things are better boiled/blanched or fried.
Looks like we have a noob that wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in a kitchen lobby here. Everybody serious knows that cooking with steam preserves nutrients, enhances flavor, and retains the natural texture of food.
Seriously. This punk thinks he can have any form of serious power without steam. What a chump
Well you can have solar, wind, and hydroelectric without steam, so it’s not like you need steam
I didn’t say there weren’t some forms of generation that didn’t involve steam. I’m just saying those pathetic puny sources will never amount to the energy produced by generating steam. The sun won’t always shine, and the wind won’t always blow. And there’s only so many places you can capture flowing water. And even the most effective forms of solar use solar thermal to make steam. We just have to admit that steam is the GOAT
They discovered a new power source!
Does it involve creating steam and generating power from that?
Well, huh, never mind.
You wouldn’t boil a crab
Boiling. It’s a crime.
Normally people just hardcore virtue signaling.
Did you criticize the left?
“I think nano is the premier terminal text editor.”
And then all of them are “Nicole”.
The Polish Partier.
Aww, I don’t feel special anymore.
i have a different pic in my inbox. do i suppose to collect them all? i want a rare Nicole now
I have them both, so… Yes?
Both? I have three. Are there more?
Oh shit there are three!
I have none :(
What’s the att/def on your Nicole? I’ll trade you mine - just pulled a disappearing Nicole. No idea what the att is, but given that it disappeared from my deck, I must imagine the def is wicked high
Oh she’s using a new picture now?
I’ll probably get it in my inbox sooner or later
I got mine today after a year on Lemmy. I was starting to feel left out.
update private_message set deleted = true from person where = private_message.creator_id and person.actor_id in ('');
Gods please don’t let this be a trend…
I guess I’m not special enough, Nicole doesn’t want to talk to me.
I just got mine today, like some tribal initiation
Still haven’t gotten one. Guess the bots don’t like me.
You might have received one but we usually delete them pretty quickly. We’re either doing an ok job at fighting spam, or I’m keeping her to myself.
Damn power hungry admins always keeping the sweet sweet bot ladies for themselves.
I got a message from nicole with a pic. I thought it was a scammer or something. Just a one off thing. Is that not the case? Is Nicole a lemmy thing?
Nope, your first instinct is right, it’s a spammer. But it’s one of the few specific spammers that almost everyone has run into on lemmy, so it’s just a joke. Like saying you met a Nigerian prince who offered you a huge sum of money.
I have yet to be messaged by this person. Dunno what anybody is talking about. In fact, I’ve never actually been messaged by anybody on lemmy.
My first Nicole message was today. You’ll join the club eventually.
I just assume I said something factually wrong and now dozens of helpful people are lining up to correct me.
Uhm, acshually… ☝️
Ah, I see you’ve developed a humiliation fetish as well
Usually means you got featured on hexbear
what’s hexbear
If you don’t know, count yourself hella lucky and move on with your day.
What does your uid signify?
It’s the sexy new British emergency number lol
A fictional entity used by right wingers on Lemmy to victimize themselves.
Are you literally claiming hexbear doesn’t exist?
That’s a new one
When you had hex with a bear last night but can’t remember.
Since there’s no serious answer: hexbear is a highly toxic instance that has been defederated by most other instances. However, their users will keep tabs on what’s said on other instances, and they’ll occasionally show up en masse with alt accounts to attack something that particularly enraged them.
Many of them are…not quite mentally stable.
They’re probably the single largest base of tankie support. For them, America = bad, and anyone opposed to America = good. They pretend to care about communism etc but they’re really just anti-American. Saying anything negative about China gets you instantly banned.
You are a disingenuous liar.
Go to the hexbear news megathread and you will find criticism of China:
There are many Chinese hexbear users that discuss the flaws of their country, people that are banned are those that spread misinformation.
Of course the United States = bad there is no modern equivalent to the outsourcing of death, despair, and destruction the great satan exports. “preemptively defederated as a last resort” you can find their reasoning here: sounds like wants an echo-chamber yet despite whinging about “brigades” there has never been any actual proof that brigades are organized.
hexbear defederated FROM,,,,, because those instances were NOT moderating to the standard that hexbear places on cultivating a space for marginilzied people.
Who are you to judge the mental stability of people when you constantly project your insecurities on to those seeking a better future.
Wow, case in point.
I know what I said, y’all’s angst feeds me.
This would all be easier if you all just agreed with me, the always correct person.
I might not always be right, but I’m never wrong
If I’m ever wrong. I delete that comment and pretend it didn’t happen. Or if someone actually makes a good counter argument I just go “meh, don’t feel like replying” and leave them unread. I do the worst crime. I’ll be 10 replies in and I won’t even downvote their last comment to let them know I read it. I’m sure it’s infuriating.
Me is, how stoned was I.
Immediately go to my comments to see whats getting downvoted to hell.
Lmao yeah sometimes. Since I mostly shitpost I just assume that the posts have had the intended effect of either making people laugh or working them up a little about something they care about. Just enough to make them share some stuff they’re really passionate about. I like hearing people’s unfiltered opinions.
O, i know the feeling