The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board…
Of course I can’t comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can’t figure out.
As a reminder, Eich was turfed from Mozilla for joining an anti-LGBT hate campaign (and thus alienating a whole lot of developers, sponsors, and users); and his So Brave browser pushed NFTs and stole money via referral fraud.
Oh, is that where the name Brave came from?
Brave is a peter thiel project.
If I’m reading their financial records correctly, the year he left Mozilla was the year he was paid the most, even though he didn’t stick around for most of it. So this retelling of history is, at best, incomplete…
Fascists lie.
Are you sure? You can’t just lie on the internet. Who would lie on the internet? Is it even possible to lie on the internet? I don’t think it is.
Ladies, I have a 12 inch penis and 34 million dollars. Call me.
I’ve got a 34mm penis and 12 dollars. Any takers? Ladies?
Not a lady, but I could use the twelve bucks.
That is usually how severance packages work
He was CEO briefly, until the controversy over his appointment got loud enough. It makes sense he would’ve been paid the most that year, especially with the golden parachute CEOs get when they leave.
His appointment remains one of the most damaging events in Mozilla’s history, as it led to the resignation of multiple prior leaders (including previous CEOs). Making him CEO might’ve been Mitch Baker’s worst decision as chairwoman.
I remember back when that referrer thing happened and people on reddit were tripping over themselves to justify it and explain why it’s actually ok… What a joke.
I mean, he’s technically better-behaving than Mozilla itself then.
But I think these endless splits over disagreements and inability to cooperate in the split state are systemic.
So maybe the whole typical-left “let’s unite and make a thing and boot everyone who shows a sign of rot” is systemically harmful. See, people who show signs of rot - they are the better kind. The really bad people don’t show any signs of rot until it’s too late. Actually they may not show anything, be like Mozilla tops.
And also one kind of rot is not rot for some people, and the other is not rot for other group of people, and so on. It would be good to build a way of cooperation where people are impeded from cooperation only with whom they themselves disagree, and not the majority.
Same as my other idea that there should be a way of moderation, where a person’s ability to choose is strengthened with all the amazing technology we have, and not with benevolent MITM.
these conservative actually think theres an actual boogeyman" left " in america.
Anyone not goose-stepping in jackboots is a dangerous leftie to them.
A word’s meaning is how it’s used. Also yes, there are.
I think the important separation is not between left and right, it’s between truth and lie, or between principle and momentary gain.
can’t believe the homophobic crypto nut would also be a right wing loon
It’s always the ones you most expect
Right? How could anyone possibly be shocked by this?
Look, fool me sixteen times, shame one you. Fool me twenty six times, shame on you. We won’t get fooled again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on glue.
crypto, homophobia, fits in with conservatives they all believe in these types of scams. either they buy into crypto, or they are peddling it-themselves.
Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?
Most of them are.
Someone’s been munching Elon’s Special K for breakfast. New marketing tagline just dropped tho:
Brave browser, because you’d have to be brave to use a browser built by a Nazi
How about just:
Brave: We’re not!
and downing dom perrignon for breakfast lunc and dinner.
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
Good thing I quit brave a few years ago when they did that Crypto shit.
Of course they did…
brave is just chromium, i wonder when google wants to cut them off down the line.
Chromium is open source, so Google can’t cut them off.
Well. They can stop updating the open source code, create manifest v4 and now all chromium browsers are shit out of luck.
Is this dude schizophrenic or something? What the fuck does he mean “Irish only apply”?
He’s got a “white guys are persecuted” complex because people call him out for abusing gays, trans people, women and minorities. He’s comparing that to the not-very-effective anti-Irish prejudice in the 19th century. Unlike the murderous attacks on Black Americans and Chinese immigrants, it was never ensrined in law and was largely ignored: Irish people could vote, marry who they wanted to, own property, run businesses and hold political office. The main sources of anti-Irish animusat the time were the Know Nothing party and its friends in the KKK. Both hated the Irish for being Catholic.
Historically Irish people were hated in the US and you would often find “No Irish” on job postings
It is used as a substitute for minority in the CEO’s context as a way to say Mozilla allowed minorities to apply for jobs
The irony that he is mad about woke when irish people were also shit fury on.
Wow, ketamine is a hell of a drug.
usually ketamine would have an opposite effect, other things like alcohol and stimulants will amplify those things. much like musk, he probably uses alcohol alot too.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic. As someone who has always struggled with depression and has done ketamine, it does seem like it would be a good fast-acting, but short half-life anti-depressant (the afterglow lasts well after the buzz). Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term. Heard it messes up your bladder.
“Afterglow” - That’s a term I’ve been searching for, for the past 4-1/2 years now. I’ve been trying to describe the day after a mushroom trip. Thanks.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic.
It’s a dissociative. Its effects are more like PCP than like alcohol. I wouldn’t use the term “psychedelic” for its effects-- the biochemical pathways are different as well.
Heard it messes up your bladder.
The metabolites burn your bladder severely enough that you can end up pissing blood. The body load seems to be high as well, frequent users look grey and washed-out, and it damages your cognition.
Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term.
I’ve known a few. They started fiending like junkies, lost jobs, destroyed relationships. It’s a dirty drug and, unless you’re getting professional treatment for PTSD, the best advice I can give is to avoid it and to avoid people who use it.
I have some ketamine using friends, it is still way better than coke. I tried it once but dis not feel it’s effect at all 😆 the one who invited me explained it’s effect as I describe my neurodivergence symptoms 🤣 we came to the conclusion that it may makes non neurodivergent people just a bit neurodivergent 🤪
But we were stoned at a music festival, so there is that
People always say things like that as if that some kind of argument in its favor.
Being stabbed is better than being shot, but I wouldn’t consider either them to be particularly good for your health.
Oh, that was not my intention, there are far better drugs than K, even some, which don’t destroy your body.
But when I compare friends who use coke vs who use K, well, there is a big difference. Coke using people tend to get on my nerves (even if they are not on coke right now) and get dumber in some ways, while with people using K, I don’t have that.
Coke using people tend to get on my nerves
Coke use increases aggression and paranoia. My baseline behavioral profile is laid-back and slightly goofy. On coke, I’m a raging, sarcastic, borderline-violent dickhead. Luckily, I had enough self-awareness and self-discipline to walk away from it.
My own experience with K users is much less positive than yours. I won’t even let them in my house, and it saddens me to see how wilted and lifeless they become after habitual use. It might possibly have some value in a controlled clinical setting, but as a recreational drug, it’s shite.
Wish people would stop blaming this on ketamine, a dissociative drug that is very safe (used on children and small animals for surgery), and that typically has the exact opposite effect of how Elon is behaving.
This is 100% him. This is in spite of the ketamine.
The fact that he invented Javascript alone makes him a villain. Everything he did after that is just complementary.
Finally somebody other than me says it!
What a clown, nothing new sadly
What’s a glowy? Like, a glowstick?
its from terry davis, the schizophrenic talented developer who wrote his own OS (TempleOS) from scratch as one of gods temples or something, however he was pretty racist and delusional, so would see “glowies” of CIA agents or whatever trying to get him, and now the term is used for people suspecting others of being federal agents
Let’s not forget the embedded racism in the original quote from Terry: “CIA n*ggers glow in the dark.”
He’s a tragic case but god damn if this isn’t one of the funniest clips on the internet.
May he code holy c in heaven. Just imagine how much potential he had
“Hello, fellow anons!”
I dunno, just more identity politics from the right, apparently.
4chan term for a CIA plant
What like a tulip or a pansy?
Brave evangelists in shambles.
brave evangelists are cheering
Brave evangelists are the ones who enabled him to do this, they love it.
They’re crying with joy, not rage or fear.
At this point you are allowed to put “George Soros” in scare quotes too. It is a good time to be alive. /S
fuck it, just call him “The JEW George Soros” so everyone understands where your opinions lie.